CHAPTER 26: Hope I Made The Right Decision

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"Listen, I know what you're getting at and quite frankly, I find it insulting for you to present me such a pathetic offer." I tell one of the guys I am doing business with who has been begging me to lower the amount he owes me for nearly four months now. However, the later he is on the payments, the higher the interest (no exceptions). That has been part of the contract that he signed in the beginning.

Suddenly we all hear a phone go off and I immediately recognize the specific ringtone Brett has for when Marlie contacts him. I then glare at him for knowing better than to not have his phone on 'silent' or 'vibrate' as we all do during meetings like this one.

Something seemed to be wrong though by the expression on his face.

"Excuse me."  I mention to everybody and looking at him. "What is it?"

"We need to cut this short, boss. The girls are coming back.....they were nearly almost killed." He says in a panicked tone.

"WHAT?!" I asked while slamming my fists hard onto the table as I stand up abruptly.

Everyone in the room looked at me with bewilderment along with fear. I next tried to pull myself together, straighten up my tie and then looked at everybody in the room.

"I'm sorry but it seems there has been an emergency that came up. We will need to finish this some other time. But the rules stay the same." I mention while emphasizing the last part with much finality in my voice as I look at the client who wished to continue arguing and try to renegotiate things.

Quickly everybody left and both Brett and I started walking outside as well. Then just as fast as the cars left the driveway, seconds later there was the car that the girls took.

The minute they pulled up, they came to an abrupt stop in front of us and I noticed immediately that Leona was driving as Marlie was in the backseat and only one of the three men I had go to protect them, was injured, sweaty and holding his forearm and in the front passenger seat.

I had hollered for some of my guys who were around in the house and outside, to come out and help us get this guy, Gordy, into the house before calling the doctor while me and Brett helped get Marlie and Leona out of the car.

Both of the girls were shaking a little and Leona couldn't stop holding onto me and crying into my chest.

"Baby, what happened?" I asked her.

"It.all.happened.out of nowhere, so fast." She started to cry.

"Come on, let's get you both inside." I try to comfort her and help walk her into the house.

Once they both sat down at the table, Brett and I asked her again what had happened.

"The guy that was supposed to meet us at the warehouse-the one who was selling it. When he came out of the car, that's when Gordy told us to get back inside." She begins to tell me as she looks at Gordy in agonizing pain and bleeding all over the floor and couch before continuing. "I had a funny feeling anyways when approaching but, then the moment we got in, gunfire started." She says, still in disbelief and in much distraught.

"It was Marlon." We next heard Gordy tell us through grunts of pain.


"Marlon Demunchi (Dàe-moon-chee)!" I next say out loud.

There is only one Marlon I knew and that I have should have taken care of years ago.

"Oh shit." Brett says under his breath.

"What?" Marlie asks through sniffles.

"Marlon is a very sick, twisted, disturbing, sadistic, and overall an extremely dangerous man. Probably the most evil in the world." Brett explains.

"Fuck! I never should have let you go there without more of my guys." I began to say.

"It's not your fault. You didn't know and I was protected. Your guys got killed and hurt because of trying to protect us." I hear Leona assure me as she holds onto my hand.

"I should have done something then and there that night." I say under my breath as I ignore what she just said, but really, everybody heard it.

"What?" I heard Brett ask.

I forgot to tell him the details about the night at the restaurant where I dropped off Leona at her apartment before we took a break.

"Sorry. I thought I told you." I begin to explain.

"Apparently you didn't. So let's have it." Brett says.

"That night when I took Leona out and I had mentioned we encountered some gentleman who were looking for trouble." I started.

"Yeah. You said it was a bunch of some drunk guys!?" Brett says looking agitated at the moment.

"It was his men. Marlon was there and he saw us. Leona and I were sitting and waiting for our food to arrive and I noticed out the corner of my eye him and some of his guys were sitting at a table several feet away, but close enough to glare at the both of us. Then as I escorted her and I outside to get into the car, that is when some of his men attacked us." I finish.

"What the fuck?!" Brett reacts in an angry tone.

"I tried the next few days after that night to track him down but I was told he had already left town. Guess he returned." I finished.

"Well that's just fucking great isn't it?!" Brett begins. "FUCK!" He shouts while pulling at his hair in frustration.

"We need to leave town. At least until we can come up with something. Now that he has done what he just did, we have no other choice. If we stay here, we won't even have enough time to think up of a plan." I mention.

"This is so fucked up. I mean, why can't we just get rid of this fucker once and for all right now?" He asks.

"Because we can't! You know his games. We have seen them and now that he knows that both of them are our girls, who knows what he has planned next. But we need to think right now of a plan while taking them to a safe place." I tell him.

"And where the hell would that be?! We no longer have that he house in Spain or in England anymore. He KNOWS all of our so called 'hideouts' and shit! So what can we really do?!" Brett asks.

"Everyone pack only what you need. We are going to contact our friend at the airport that can charter us a private airplane to take us to my Uncle's place." I suggested unsure rather or not I had made the right decision.

My Uncle was my father's brother who never had approved of the lifestyle my parents had chosen for themselves or for me and in fact, when I was eleven, after finding out I was planning to follow my his foot steps and refusing to listen to him talk meout of it in more times than I can count. Well, I haven't heard from him or seen him since and I don't honestly have a clue how he will react to us arriving.

"Uncle Rainey?" Brett asks in surprise.

"Yeah." I nod in agreement.

"Uh, I don't think that's a very good idea." He says.

"It's our only option. He lives off the grid and is isolated deep into the woods to where it would be hard to find us. It will give us some time." I try to reassure him.

He seems unsure for a little while until he finally looks at me again smirks.

"Alright. We're with you." He mentions.

"Good. Now let's hurry." I tell everybody before grabbing Leona's hand and leading her upstairs so we could pack.

I hope I am doing the right thing and don't put my uncle in any danger, that is, if he even LET'S us stay awhile.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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