CHAPTER 32: What A Predicament

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This guy could not be serious. Marlon is this man's stepson?!?

"No offense but what makes you think Marlon would be afraid of you?" I asked curiously while still in disbelief.

"Come on now. You and I both know what it takes to get where we want in this business, especially in my kind of position. But, to humor you, it's because of the connections I have for starters. That is why I have so much protection, kid. Not just from him but, others that want my position as well. I know all leaders of every gang and every mafia. I know everything that goes on." He smirks. "And with all do respect, because you are very good at this business, trust me when I tell you, you couldn't do what I do or what all I have done to get where I am. No mafia movies in the world could tell you. I make a lot of the infamous boss's and leaders from the past, look like amateurs." He smiles proudly.

"Well, with all do respect to you, I highly doubt you can control or scare Marlon." I doubted.

"Listen..." He begins to say after putting his cigarette out and leans forward in his chair towards us. "I know why you are here and rather you wish to admit it or not, deep down inside, since you have arrived, you agree with him in his reason for beinging you here. And as I'm sure your uncle has told you, I am the only one that can."

I do know what he is talking about and I do wish I can just run away some place where nobody knows who I am and start anre with a brand new identity and leave this life behind, but it isn't that easy. This is all I know.

I looked over at Leona and she looked at me and smiled.

"You two. You both are very cute together." He comments.

"Thank you." Leona says.

"So, I'm assuming you all need some passports, some money, clothes, cars, boats even?" He began naming off things.

"Wait. I haven't agreed to anything yet. No disrespect to you and my Uncle but, I haven't decided to leave this life." I say while looking back and forth at my Uncle and him. 

"Trust me, you don't want this life." He mentions again.

"I'm so tired of people telling me what I want and don't." I snap a little.

"Nolton..." My Uncle started to tell me to watchhow I speak to his friend. But Groman holds up his hand at my Uncle.

"Let me ask you something. A serious question." He starts. "I want you to look at her." He begins by looking at Leona.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Look at her. Look at her features. Look into her eyes. Study her face. Remember her face." He says.

I turn my head to look at her and she looks a little freaked out now as do I.

"Now, kiss her goodbye." He says and next thing I heard was a gun being cocked.

I immediately turned my head to look at him in anger.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" I shouted.

He next begins to chuckle in a disturbing way.

"You see, you can't stand to lose her. You'd protect her at any cost. You are too emotionally involved and that itself will get you and her both killed. You will never reach to my level. You have only become lucky. You have used too much of your heart, which can cause weakness that equals to vulnerability. Not to mention the selfishness you have displayed in convincing someone like her to come into this world of yours." He states.

Now, in a way, he is right but the way I guess he is saying it makes me not want to believe it at all. It just doesn't sound true but yet deep down, I know it is.

"He hasn't been selfish. He told me who he was and what all he does and I have had plenty of chances to leave him. Now I may not have been born into this lifestyle, so I still have learning to do, but I love him. I know the risks. I don't expect it to be anything like the movies. And just so you know, you don't have to be completely heartless to do what you do. Also, if this is the life he wants then I will stand by him already knowing the risks." Leona mentions.

We all were surprised and shocked at what all she just said because none of us would ever have expected something like that from her.

She seems more assertive and firm than she was before and I don't know when it all had changed but I am at a loss for words at the moment also.

"Of course this is both of your decision to make in what you want to do. However, knowing my stepson, he'll arrive here soon enough and your time will be up to decide you want to do. You can leave before he ever arrives or you can stay and deal with the consequences." He finishes.

He next nods his head at a couple of his men to bring in duffel bags full of cash and a suitcase full of clothes and passports for me and my friends including for Brett.

He next stands up and buttons his suit jacket then gestures for Uncle Rainey to go and speak with him in the office.

"The clock is ticking. And you should take my advice kid, get out while you still can." He says before leaving the room.

"I'll be right back." I heard Uncle Rainey tell me after letting out a sigh of frustration while standing up and following Groman into his office.

I place my face in my palms and am trying to comprehend everything that was just said but to be honest, I feel as though I don't know what to decide. I never run from anything or anyone and I feel like just taking the money and everything would.mean just that. That I ran away and took the easy way out.

Then again, I needed to think more about what Leona wanted to do. Despite what she just said a moment ago, I am sure that given the choice, she would want to leave tonight and I wouldn't blame her. But I am not one to run away and leave before finishing something.

This truly is quite the predicament and time was running out.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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