17 Woo Bin (Actor)

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Romantic? Cliche?

Woo bin and ________ had known each other ever since University, being a bit more than acquaintances but less than mere friends. Now, they've become colleagues, coincidentally going forward in the same field interest.

But only difference now is, that they've developed mutual understanding of each other's feelings, yet neither had felt the need to slump down into admitting it. They would have quarrel with one another so often to be misunderstood as newly-wed arguments.

Woo Bin had an already good family background, "Enough to go by without a sweat," ________ would complain. Contradictory to the matter, Woo Bin still finds himself breaking that sweat and pushing himself with his job. "It's worth it, seeing your ugly face around," He would laugh.

________ was quite to the normal side, always seemingly to be running low on money while working hard to pay that credit card from buying the 'now' bags. "Waste of money," Woo Bin would tell her off. Nevertheless, still secretly admiring how she look great with it. "At least I can show it off in your face," She would do a little dance before running off.

Woo bin wasn't exactly the romantic type, yet ________ still finds herself daydreaming about the midnight dance they will one day share. Where she would be in a pretty dress, and painful heels. He would be in a dashing suit and his hair swept back. Her face close enough to hear his heart beating.

But from the progression they haven't made, it seem highly impossible for that to ever happen.

"What are you looking at?" Woo bin appeared with his arms crossed looking over her shoulder's.

"The new bag from the spring line just came out." She flipped to the next page, revealing countless numbers of different other bags.

He sighed. Knowing _________, he should of been expecting this already, she's been talking about it countless times over the past few day.

"But it's not even spring yet." He furrowed his eyebrows together, wondering why she still finds the need for yet another useless luggage to carry around.

"That's the point, I need to make sure I get it before spring beats me to it. I can't start the first day of spring without it." She nudge him and pointed at the one she had set her eyes on, only to have her cheeks pinched.

"Shesh Woo Bin, that hurts." She shouted.

"Aren't you still paying back the last bag you bought?" He looked at her with a raised eyebrow before eyeing the said bag that she was drooling all over a month ago lying carelessly from the chair beside.

"I know. Maybe I should get a part time job." She suggested to her self, fist clenched in a determined posture.

"Suit yourself." Woo Bin said before returning to his section to continue the last pile of work. She looked up from her magazine to his retreating figure.

"Hey! Remember to wait for me by the elevator!" She called after him, catching his fingers forming an 'OK' sign in the air before he disappeared by the corner.

"See," Woo Bin had a slightly agitated expression with his back leaning against the wall, and his hands causally hooked in side his pockets. "You're always late, that's why I should of left without you."

________ pouted her lips in a teasing manner before pushing him into the elevator with a giggle.

"Yes or no?" Woo Bin asked out of the blue once the doors closed and the red digits slowly decreased.

"Yes or no to what?" She asked back confused.

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