01 Chanyeol ft. Baekhyun (EXO)

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_______ sat opposite of her best friend. She was feeling nervous as she was going to confess to him today.

"Baekhyun-ah." She started.

"Mm?" Baekhyun said looking up from his phone. He had his attention on his phone since this morning.

"Ah... How's your drink?" Ahh, what's wrong with me? Just spit it out. Tell him.

"Haha, it's fine. But are you okay? You've been acting funny all morning?" He puts his phone down and holds his hand to her head. "Your temperature is fine."

She takes his hand away. "I'm fine." Liar

"Hey _______, I have something to tell you."

"What is it?"

"You know that girl from the senior class?" He says as his face starts to turn red.

"Ah, w-which one?"


"N-ne" I'm too late.

"We started going out." Baekhyun's face becomes a dark shade of red.

"That's good. She's a nice person." She forced a smile.

"Yea, she is. Oh do you like anyone-"

"Hey I'm sorry, I totally forgot I had to finish an assignment." She couldn't take it anymore, she can't stand sitting here like this.

"But we don't have school tomorrow." Baekhyun wined.

"It's a 4 page essay, it'll take me days to finish it. Sorry, I'll talk to you later." She ran out the door.

Tears were threatening to pour out. _______ wasn't sure where to go, as long as it was away from here she was fine.

She ended up at her favorite park that she used to hang out with Baekhyun, before they were to old to play in the park.

She sat by the bench and began to cry. Tears were now blurring her vision. She didn't care if people stopped and watched.

"_______-ah?" A familiar voice called out. She looked up and saw a blurry figure.

"_______ why are you crying?"

_______ wiped her tears and looked back up. It was Chanyeol. He sometimes came and hanged out with Baekhyun.

"Ah, it's nothing." She got up, standing in front of him. "I-it's just- I'm fine." Tears formed in her eyes.

Chanyeol pulled her against him and hugged her. "Don't cry _______, it makes me sad when I see you like this."

_______ was shocked at what Chanyeol did but oddly she feels comfortable like this. She feels somehow safe and calm in his arms.

She looked up at Chanyeol.

"_______." Chanyeol takes his thumb and gently wipes away her tears. "Please don't cry again. It hurts me when you're like this."

_______ bit her lips, why was he suddenly acting like this. He was usually a happy virus, but today he's showing his gentle side.

"Why-why does it hurt you?" _______ ask hesitantly.

Chanyeol smiles sweetly, "Because I love you."

Author's Note :

Annyeong! Very first imagine. Isn't this a nice side to Chanyeol? Ahhh, fan girling! Maybe I'll write a part two to this imagine. Vote and leave comments! Saranghaeyo chingus!!

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