08 Kim Woo Bin (Actor)

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(Bad Boy)

Woo Bin walked around the university campus, with a line up of girls trailing behind him. He wasn't impressed, there were still a few who didn't come running at him. But of course they still eyed him with gluing eyes. 

"Oppa~ Let's go out tonight okay?" That squeaky annoying voiced chimed from his left. He craned his neck to see a girl flapping her eyelid at him. Who was she? I can't remember. Perhaps it was the one he dated about a month ago. Or the one he spent the night with the previous week. He tried jogging up his memory, but it wouldn't let him remember. It doesn't matter either way. The most he's done was plant them with kisses, and they'll return with hungry ones. After awhile, the longest a day, he'll throw them out like the rest.

"Sorry love, I'm busy tonight." He coed. Even if I wasn't I wouldn't waste it with the likes of you.

"Aww oppa-" She continued to wined but stopped immediately when Woo Bin shot her a glare.

He scanned across the campus, looking for his next victim- such a harsh word, it was more like a play toy. His attention focused on a girl who stared back at him, he was quite amused by her murderous glare. Target locked. How cute of you to catch my attention. 

Woo Bin approached her slowly and she stayed rooted to her spot.

"Hey there-"

"Shut up asshole." She sneered at him with a dirty look.

"Woo ah, there. Why so feisty? Are you trying to play hard to get, love?" He gave her a lopsided smile and tucked at her arm to pull her closer. She quickly dodged it and slapped his arm away, which cause her to earn death glares from every female student who saw. 

"Get the hell away from me!" 

Oh, you are so mine. And I'll make sure you'll fall the hardest, and shattered into the tiniest pieces.

For the next passing weeks, there was not once when Woo Bin gave up on his target. He has no intention of failing to capture her. Only to get her hurt and broken. He was so caught up with being the player that he will not spare even a single girl. 

"Hey there, ________." His voice was low and husky as he peered down at her.

"Get lost, Woo Bin." She didn't bother looking up at him from her book.

"I already am, lost in your heart." He snickered.

She wiped him a piercing glance before standing up and leaving.

Woo Bin heaved a sigh. What was wrong with him these past few days. All he've been doing was hang around this girl, launching at her with any given chance. What was it he was so drawn into? She had left him curios, anxious, in love- No can't be. 

Woo Bin wondered down the deserted hallway in the art's department. He peered in the classrooms, searching for anything to entertain him. By the fifth classroom he inspected, he found a girl, leaning over a large piece of paper, concentrated on what she was drawing.

The fine and precise lines she drew flawlessly amazed him. She was so concentrated, full of passion-something he doesn't have. His eyes widen as her face can too view. ________. She never failed to surprise him.  

She was different and dangerous. It had never occurred to him that he would be the one interested first. Usually he was the center of attention, flocked by girls that would do anything to be with him. But her differences drove him crazy, curiosity welling up inside him. He was drawn too her. This was bad, he would get hurt, and he much rather the role reverse and he does the hurting. That's how it's supposed to work. That's how it always worked.

He left the university with an agitated feeling in the pit of his stomach. He steered his car, unconscious of where it was directing him, just anywhere was fine. The car stopped at the too familiar place. Music beated at a fast rhythm that echoed into the streets. As he walked in to the club, he was surrounded by the loud music enveloped with the laughter's of the crowd. 

Woo Bin swayed his body to the music as he easily picked up a few girls that caught his eyes. The alcoholic smell grew in his nose as he took a swing at his first drink, which was enough to get him distracted from anything-except for her. He took a second swing, third, fourth. His mind was clouded with the alcohol and he was feeling the excitement of the crowd as he joined them

He watched from his tinted windows as the girls stumble down the road, the clicking of their heels irritating him. They were drunk, high from the overdoes of alcohol. But that was none of his business so he started his engine and drove away. He was feeling sober now, the drunken state was washed away the second he walked out of the club.

Woo Bin halted at a stop in front of the school, his eyes fixated at a dark figure spraying something on the wall. Even from far away, there was no way he can't recognized the image that was formed by the spray paint.

"What a bad girl you are." His voice rumbled in the empty alley of their school campus. "So you're the one that's been tainting our university." Must be my lucky day. Target locked, weapon aimed.

Her head whipped back, nervousness and fright clogging her system. "Woo Bin."

"So you remembered my name, how sweet of you. Let's see if you'll remember more when the school finds out about your bad behavior." He said in a lust tone and his fingers trailed down her cheeks, caressing her perfect face. Her eyes were brimming with terror.

"W-what do you want?!" Her voice betrayed her, cracking as she stuttered out her words. It was meant to come out brave unaffected by his intimate gaze.

"That's simple darling." His free hand found her's and he intertwined their fingers. He brought her closer, their lips nearly brushing against each other's.

"All I want is you, ________."

"Is this some kinda blackmail?!" She sneered at him.

"Gosh, Sweetheart. Blackmail is such a negative word to use- Let's see, cooperating in a friendly manner sounds much better, dont you think?" His smirk grew wider. "You get to keep your secret silent and well, I get you. Deal?"

Her eyes glitter with nervousness and a tint of terror. She can't possibly afford to get kicked out of school.

"Deal." She said carefully, reaching her hand out to shake his to acknowledge their agreement.

Woo Bin's eyebrows cocked up in amusement. "That's not right, Sweetheart. That isn't the way I like to settle things."

He swiftly swung her hand, bringing her towards him and pressed their lips together, that's the way to seal the deal.

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