20 Jimin (BTS) part 2 of #16

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I sighed, watching as the last bit of rush hour move in fast motion, and the inpatient business man leave with his freshly brewed coffee shifting from one hand to another.

The strong aroma of roasted coffee beans lingered in the nearly empty coffee shop, piercing through the once clouded sleepiness with it's tantalizing bittersweet scent.

I slouched by the counter, lazily sipping at the mixture latte that I made myself, tasting it's heavily blended caramel in caffeine. Being a part time barista to pay for utterly large amount of tuition fee wasn't exactly in my life agenda, not that I'm complaining about free coffee.

Along with all this familiar bittersweet tasting morning wake up drug, it also floods my brain in a sentimental break down I never learned to concur.

Coffee was always best with Jimin.

I tapped my fingers against the wooden table, wondering how long I would have to work here until I finish paying for my university fees, when a voice caught my attention,

"________, is that you?!" I turn to look at the customer that I didn't realize came in while I was in a daze.

I watched her pink lips twitch up in a surprising smile. My eyes traveled down to her expensively branded hand bag, before realizing she was branded from head to toe.

When did i get such a rich friend?

"________-ah, don't you remember me?" She asked tilting her head and adjusting her purse on her shoulders.

My eyebrows knitted together as I scanned her flawless face for any traces of familiar recognition. My eyes grew in traumatizing recollections of dreadful memories.

"Y-yea, of course. It's been a while hasn't it?" I blinked away the loathing and steadied my voice.

"I haven't seen you since high school! How are things with Jimin?" Something in the tone of her voice emphasized that name in a taunting manner.

How can she easily bring up something so unconsiderately? It was hard enough that she caused the problem.

"We haven't been in contact." I muttered, feeling her presence grow bigger by the second and her pride stamping all over me.

"That's a shame, really." Her sympathy couldn't get anymore fake than it already is, "I guess he didn't find the need to tell you then."

"Tell me what?"

"It's nothing really. It's probably not even important for him considering that he hid it from you." She pretended to check her watch strapped around her wrist. "Well I was thinking of getting coffee, but I'm running late now so I'll have it another time." She chimed way to happily after draining out my self-esteem.

I watched her bid a half-hearted goodbye before making her way out of the coffee shop and her figure disappeared in the bright afternoon.

Great. Just great.

I dug out my phone in the front pocket of my apron and swiped it open. 

Pressing the speed dial and held the phone in between my shoulders and ears, I side glance to check if the manager was near and sigh in relief after seeing no sign of him.

"Hello." I said after it rang a couple of times. 

"Aren't you supposed to be working." I chuckled at my best friend's nagging.

"Yea, yea. But guess who I saw today?"

"I dunno, a really hot guy?" I rolled my eyes knowing she couldn't see it.

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