Chapter 5

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it made my heart clench as this will be the last time I will see her . I quickly went towards her and she was placed in the coffin I went and held her hands tightly and looked at her lifeless and white figure . soon a preist arrived 

I saw baekhyun's parents stnding there with him . They were the only close family friends we had .I could see tears in baekhyun's mothers eyes because my mom and she were best friends . It was only baekhyun's family ,jungkook , the preist and me at the grave until I heard a car approching us . 

I looked behind and saw a matte black mercedes followed by 2 range rovers in the front and 2 at the back . I furrowned as I wasn't able to understand who it is until the car door opened . A man dressed in a black suit came forward and looked at him 

jieun: How may I help you ? 

I asked 

man : well I am here for my mother's and WIFE's funeral 

it made my eyes widen 

this fuvking bastard how dare he come here . I didn't wanted to see him in my entire life I hate him and now he is here . I am sure he is very rich now . He is living a luxuirous life and is here just for formality and his image 

I glared at him and looked back at my mom's coffin 

the priest started the funeral .

The whole funeral i could only hear baekhyun's mom's sobs 

jungkook was all blank same goes for me and that bastard he , he was just standing there waiting for it to finish 

after the ceremony was over it was time to dig my mom's body inside the land or to grave her in . I kept the flowers on her and kissed her checks for the last time.  I litreally was crying but my tears weren't escaping . I fell on my knees and baekhyun handled me he hugged me and I just snuggled in his chest . 

after a while my mom was no where to be seen nor her coffin and now that I was also not crying . I stood up and was about to run when someone held my hand which made me uncomfortable I quickly yanked my hand away and looked behind to see Mr. jeon 

Mr. jeon : its been long would you not like to greet me 

jieun : not long enough 

Mr. Jeon : that attitude of yours sad my dear wifey is dead 

I glared at him 

jieun : don't act like you care 

Mr. Jeon : Of course I do , I care for you too You turned hot 

he said licking his lips 

I smirked 

jieun : what are going to do now ? 

mr. jeon : oh dear you wouldn't like to know 

jieun : good 

I again turned around to leave 

Mr. jeon : will you not wait for your grandmother's funeral 

I didn't reply and just went away 

I was walking around here and there and I found a bench I went and sat on it .

After a few minutes I headed back to the grave where my grandma and mom were granny was also placed in the coffin now. I just went and stood at the back . It was all silent . 

after everything was done I was leaving when I was stopped 

Mr. jeon: where are you going ? 

jieun : home. 

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