Chapter 30

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My eyes started getting glossy as I starting realising the truth. Mr. Jeon is the black rose killer. My own dad is the killer. He has always been an ass*ole. I couldn't expect anything from them but I couldn't even expect him to be a killer. But my concern was Eunwoo for now. He is beaten up badly because of me, he did it to protect me. No one knows about it as well for now. Tears started leaving my eyes and I quickly clutched on my necklace which was on my neck just thinking of my mom. She is with me , that's what I was thinking .... But my sobs were audible to others for sure. I felt someone pulling me towards themselves. My head landed on Eunwoo's chest and he pushed my face even more to surpress my cries. Only muffled sobs were heard now . He slowly caressed my head. I heard Mr. Jeon talking to someone but i didn't bother much .  Not much later the car stopped and someone pulled me away from Eunwoo's embrace and someone pulled him away as well. It were the guards. We were near The Han now. Mr. Jeon had a smirk / anger expression on his face. He the went near the bunker as expected and then inside followed by us. 

Our hands were cuffed behind our backs and the guards were following us . My breath was getting un even for some reason. I felt uneasy . Like something BAD is going to happen . Then we reached near a lift which I had never seen . Mr. Jeon got a card out and scanned on a small screen over there , the lift doors opened I was very shocked to see it . I just stared at it with my mouth open until a guards pushed me inside the lift making me fall on my knees. Eunwoo glared at the guard.


He shouted but only receiving a punch in return making me whimper . He fell down to the side and I crounched down to his face . 

Jieun: Eunwoo-ssi !

I said and tried to touch him using me hands from the back put someone pulled me up. I looked around and saw another guard . I just gave him a death stare .  Once the door of the lift opened revealing a huge yet luxury hallway . Someone pushed me forward and I started walking followed by others. I never knew there was something like this in the bunker . we are more underground now .  We soon entered a luxury hall . It was huge and beautiful . I just stared at everything in surprise . Then I heard Mr. jeon chuckle .

Mr. Jeon: haha haha surprised seeing it ? Well now you are going to live here and I have another surprise for you , Hyung come out !

He called out for someone . The next moment someone entered the room making my eyes go wide like plates . 

Minsu ?

So he really is alive ? He had a dirty smirk on his face and he came forward and touched my cheeks . But I back away so he pulled me close to his and snuggled his face in my neck making me feel disgusted .  I tried to push him away but my hands were cuffed . Then I heard someone shout . 


Minsu got startled and looked back at Eunwoo who was giving him death stares . 

Minsu : so how's my dear son ? 


wait-Noah ?!

My head shot to eunwoo who was still glaring at Minsu . 

Eunwoo is Noah ?

Jieun: N-Noah ?

I said 

Eunwoo: J-jieun I-

The next moment a rough punch was thrown on his face by Minsu . 

Minsu: I got to know you betrayed us ...

again he kicked him . 

Then he started to beat him after throwing a few more punches and kicks he backed away and told the guards to beat him .

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