Chapter 3

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reaching the room he closed the door and looked at me with furious eyes

jungkook: what do you think what was that ??! didn't your mom taught you how to respect others!?

jieun: she DID taught me how to respect others. but she also taught me how to deal with people like you !!

jungkook: such a Jeon Jihyun thing to do 

He scoffed

jieun: don't forget she is you mom as well

I said this time he gritted his teeth

jungkook: she is NOT my mom! get that !

jieun: really ?! then who gave you birth !?

jungkook: yes she DID give me birth but left me when I was young !

jieun: just Birth ?! do you even know how painful it is ?!

jungkook: huh ? don't talk about pain ! She doesn't understands the word pain ! if she knew that she would have not left me ! 

jieun: You are acting like it was just you who had to live with a single parent! I also lived without dad ! 

jungkook: don't say anything about my dad !

jieun: same goes for you ! it was YOUR dad because of whom mom and dad had to separate !

jungkook: what do you even mean it was mom who left us !! 

jieun: I don't have time for your shit ! I want to meet my grandma ! 

jungkook: she isn't anything to you ! 

jieun: wtf ! do you even know how much I love her 

jungkook: oh come on ! you are the reason why she is this condition 

jieun: says the one who meets her once in a decade ! and why am I the reason of her condition !

jungkook: because of you she didn't buy her medicines and saved the money !

jieun: what !? you guys didn't send her the money ! 

jungkook: you gotta be kidding me ! I send her money every month ! 

jieun: what !? stop lieing 

jungkook: I am NOT leing see this 

he showed me his black credit card history or all the transfers 

and it showed he really had transfered her the money this shocked me I thought they didn't send her money 

jungkook: have you seen ?! she saved all this money for you ! 

jieun: s she said y you guys don't send her money to buy her medicines 

jungkook: but you saw the truth didn't you ! you used to meet her and of course you being the daughter of a gold digger you needed all that money !

jieun: cut the crap jungkook ! I never asked money from her !

jungkook : oh really but today i had gone to meet her , she was a bit weak but the next day  she collapsed and she said that she has saved money for YOU( jieun) because you need it !

jieun: I never wanted money from her ! I never asked for a single penny 

jungkook: and why should I believe the lie for your !?

jieun: don't believe me ! what else can we expect from someone like you !

jungkook: don't be all innocent here jieun I am your brother I know you well 

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