Chapter 33

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Waking up I rubbed my eyes and stretched my arms. I slept peacefully yesterday for some reason even though there is a Storm out there. I got out of the bed and got dressed.

I combed my hair and wore combats and went downstairs

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I combed my hair and wore combats and went downstairs. It was quite in the dinning room . Everyone was sitting on the dinning table . The place where Mr. jeon and Min Ju used to sit earlier was empty . I took a glance at it , Sighing I moved and sat between Jungkook and Eunwoo . The breakfast was also quite . No one spoke . The atmosphere wasn't awakward because it felt like everyone was deep into their own thoughts and the atmosphere was thick . After we were done with the breakfast I stood up but then I got a call from Minnie .

Jieun: hello ?

Minnie: Jieun-ah could you please get the yellow text book I forgot at your home yesterday to the school ?

Jieun: sure ..

I said and declined the call , keeping my phone the the dinning table I went upstairs and got the book out of the drawer from my room . Then I went downstairs and kept it back inside in bag . Everyone else was also getting ready to leave .

Jieun: i'll leave

I said shortly and left for school In the car with Joo hyuk .

Meanwhile at the mansion

Jin: oh sh*t , Jieun-ah forgot her phone

he said as he saw her phone laying on the dinning table

Hoseok: but we are all going the different way except for In-yeop

everyone looked at In-yeop . He sighed and snatched the phone away .

In-yeop: I have to do it , right?

he said to himself and glared at the other's before leaving .

He sat on his bike and started driving towards Jieun's school expecting to see her car on the way . After driving for some miles her car finally came into view . he sped up and followed her . But all of a sudden the car took a sharp turn into a alley . This was very unexpected because there isn't any way to the school from their .

In the car

When Jieun realized her phone isn't with her . She spoke up

Jieun: oh Joo Hyuk-ssi I think I forgot my phone can I borrow your phone and call someone to tell them if they can give me my phone at the school ?

Her nodded and she took his phone after he unlocked it . She started looking for Jungkook's phone number when suddenly some thing popped up on the screen . It were the names of all the kids dead . Jieun found it utterly suspicious . First thing came to her mind was " is he the killer ?" but then she shrugged it off because Joo Hyuk was very trusted if he would want to kill her he would have done that long back. But then she thought but now The 3 brother's are dead he can do anything !? With that thought she called Jungkook and kept the voice of the phone low . She kept the phone aside and looked at Joo Hyuk .

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