Chapter 20

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last night I was very tired and was sleeping sitting over there at the party . Also because I was alone I had gotten bored . As I was sleeping sitting on the chair . Jungkook approached me . He told me to go back home with Joo Hyuk. I simply nodded and returned home with Joo hyuk . Then I changed into pj's quickly and slept .

this is what I wore

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this is what I wore . Today after many days I had let my bangs fall . They are irritating to me now so I don't put them on. But as I was wearing a ferret and bangs would suite it . I had let them fall. My new hair colour looked very elegant and matched with every outfit . I wore my choker and ring , grabbed my bag, walked downstairs to see everyone including Eunwoo and Min ju sitting together at the dinning table happily talking and smiling like a family , ew ! I hate this word 'family'

Mr. jeon: Oh dear , Come here

He said smiling and everyone looked over at me

Jungkook: looks like my words weren't clear yesterday.

he said looking at me .

I made a confused look then remembered his words " you are not allowed to wear short cloth".

Jieun: um.. yes it was ,but I didn't like those .

I said showing a fake smile , making my way towards the seat I always sit at I saw Min Ju sitting over there today . Usually the sitting arrangement would be .

table jeon

Mr. Jeon would sit at the head table and me and Jungkook would sit on his sides. but today Mr. jeon was sitting on the head table and where I used to sit Min Ju was sitting there and Eunwoo on her other side . means I have 2 options . Either I sit beside Eunwoo or Jungkook . I stood there thinking .

Jungkook: come here .

he said patting the seat beside him . I don't know why but I felt that safe . so I went and sat beside him . I sat and started digging my plate when I remembered that I have to talk to Jungkook . I was a little hesistant at first then I spoke

Jieun: um.. J Jungkook ?

he hummed in response telling me to continue

Jieun: I um.... I was....

Jungkook noticed that I was hesistant .

Jungkook: come to my room we will talk.

I sighed and hummed back. He got up and left . After I had finished eating . I walked away . Eunwoo had gone to his studio , Min Ju and Mr. jeon went to office. I still had 60 minutes for school . So I Thought of talking to Jungkook . I walked towards the stairs . But I didn't know which one was Jungkook's room . So I stopped a Su ah .

Jieun: Um.. Su ah could you tell me which is Jungkook's room ?

Su ah: why ??

Jieun: I have to talk to him

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