Chapter 23

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I got dressed and left my room after so many hours

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I got dressed and left my room after so many hours . I decided to resume my daily routine . I went downstairs and to the dinning room to see Mr. Jeon , Min Ju and Eunwoo . 

Mr. Jeon: Jieun-ah baby ! you are here ! It's good to have you back ! 

He spoke What's with that baby! ? why again !

Jieun: good morning 

I said and looked around Jungkook wasn't here but I didn't care alot until Eunwoo Stepped up and went somewhere and returned with 

Jungkook . he was still in his pj's maybe he was not planning on coming out today also . 

Jungkook : Jieun-ah!

I ignored him for once.

Jungook : J-jieun

He shuttered and I looked up at him his eyes were soft unlike usual . earlier whenever he used to look at me his gaze was cold , arrogant or annoying it's the first time his eyes are soft for me . 

Jieun: what ? 

I asked 

Jungkook: can we talk? 

He asked hopefully 

Jieun: no.

I am not going to start my day with his stupid talks and also I have school to attend . 

Jungkook: pleas-

Jieun: I have to go to school

Jungkook: we can talk after that ,I will be at home !

Really ? he will skip his work just to talk to me ?? you know what it really doesn't matters much he did skip work for the past 3 days . So not a big deal ? ... for him 

Jieun: fine.

I spoke annoyed and got up leaving my half finished break fast 

jieun: I'll leave ...

I spoke and headed towards my car . Joo Hyuk opened the door and allowed me to enter the car . I sat behind and he came from the front and started driving . 

Time Skip 

Arriving at school I got out and moved to towards the building but Many students eyeing me . They were looking at their mobile screen and their face held jealousy , confusion , disgusting and some had anger . I made a confused look but as I moved furthar I saw Soo Jin looking at me with a betrayed expression . 

Jieun: Unnie , what is all this ?? 

Soo Jin: you don't know ?

then she showed me her phone screen which made me shocked . It was a picture of me and Jungkook . I guess it's the picture of the wedding time because I was dressed in that attire . I read the caption 

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