Chapter 27

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Girl: hello everyone I'm Lina lee hope we get along

She said with a smile .  My eyes went wide . She is really Minnie . My childhood friend . The Minnie from the cult  .

Mrs. Ton:  Lina you can sit next to he-jin.

Minnie nodded and went to sit next to he-jin who was sitting at the other corner of the room . I kept staring at her figure though out the class . She still had red hairs as earlier . Her coffee brown skin and a mole on her neck. 

As the class ended I quickly grabbed my bag and ran to her seat . She looked startled with my sudden appearance .

Jieun: m-Minnie ?

I shuttered and her eyes widened . She quickly got up and held my shoulders . 

Lina: J-Jieun-ah ? 

I nodded and she hugged me tightly and starting sobbing . I hugged her back and caressed her back in order to calm her down . Soon she calmed down and broke the hug , wiping away her tears she held my hand and bag and dragged me out of the classroom . We reached the out side of the school and went to the cafe near by . As we entered inside the sound of the bell jingling entered our ears indicating there is a new customer . We both sat on a couple table and ordered our drinks . 

There are so many things happening around and here we are bunking school , sitting in a cafe, drinking latte or black coffee listening sad songs that was playing in the background . 

Lina: It's been so long  

she spoke 

Jieun: I know , there's a lot that's happening around 

Lina: what happened 

She asked curious 

Jieun: *sigh* Unnie ........

I told her everything from the black rose killer to us searching for Noah and meeting vert and Liam , everything and not-to-my surprise she was shocked . I mean who wouldn't be but a surprise was that she knew that Minsu wasn't dead ! But she also didn't know anything about him . 

Now that we had skipped some classes it was no use to attend school . So I called Joo hyuk and we went to The Jeon Mansion . Minnie is living a awesome life now . She was adopted by a newly wed  couple after a few months of us leaving the cult . I mean of course Minnie was one of the most jolly kids there so it's easy for parents to choose her . She lived a very happy life now and didn't remembered all this but today I made her remember . We entered the mansion . 

Lina: wow ! this place is soooo beautiful !! after all it's THE JEON JUNGKOOK'S HOUSE !!! 

she chimed . She is a huge A.R.M.Y. so of course she got very happy after I told her I'm the sister of his BIAS . 

I chuckled at her actions . She was jumping around dancing .

???: Jieun-ah ? 

We looked around to see Eunwoo . Minnie stopped jumping at looked red as a tomato because of embarrassment . What is he doing here shouldn't he be at work 

Jieun: what are you doing at home Eunwoo-ssi ? 

Eunwoo: shouldn't I be the one to ask that ? 

he said and raised he eyebrows . I gulped .  I should be at school right now and I'm at home at this point what should I say ?

Jieun: Um.. I am not feeling very well so I came b-back home

I said . He looked worried and as he came near me and touched my forehead with his hand . 

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