Chapter 2

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I saw a letter laying on on the floor near the window . I went towards it and picked it up . Opening the letter and started reading it as I was reading it i started having mixed emotions . I was angry very angry , shocked and sad I didn't know how it all felt . the letter was written in red 

The letter

Dear Jeon Jieun 

I know you are reading this , I know that You live with your mother , I know your brother's name is Jeon Jungkook , I know that your dad's name is jeon Jun ki , I know your mother's name is Jeon Jihyun , I know you have a really close best friend Byun Baekhyun , I even know that you love your grandmother and you visit her pretty often  without telling your mom. I EVEN KNOW THAT YOUR MOM IS DEAD . because I KILLED HER . I know everything about you . I will destroy you and your family none of you will be alive you all have to pay the price . 

                                                                                                                           THE UNKNOWN

after reading this , it made me worried this means my mom was MURDERED she wasn't meant to die someone killed her ! how? who did it !? I was so mad and worried at the same point how does this person knows me how does he know about my family and me visiting my grandma secreatly .this is all messed up who is it ?! I quickly ran out of my room and saw baekhyun in the kitchen cooking .

baekhyun: hey jieun , good morning ! 

jieun: baekhyun aah se this 

I showed him the letter 

he took it and started reading it he was also shocked 

baekhyun: what is this?

jieun: i don't know I found it in my room 

baekhyun: means..

jieun: my mom was MURDERED 

baekhyun : h how ?? 

jieun: i have no idea .

baekhyun : do you perhaps doubt anyone 

jieun: i I don't know 

I looked at him he was thinking something 

baekhyun: do you guys have any family enemy ?

jieun: I I don't know after dad and mom spererated it was just me and mom we didnt have any contact with anyone even my mom's side was dissapointed on mom so they don't meet quite often . 

after a few minutes silence 

baekhyun: ok so do you want to complain in police or anythi

jieun: no no ! not police .......

baekhyun: then?

jieun: I will solve this case 

baekhyun: huh ? stop kidding jieun you are a kid 

jieun: WHAT !??! how dare you call me a kid 

I jumped on him and started punching him 

baekhyun: Ok ok! sorry!

I got up from him 

jieun: better 

baekhyun: are you sure ?

jieun: do you trust me 

I looked in his eyes 

after a few minutes he smiled and replied 

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