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𝓣𝓼𝓾𝓴𝓲𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓶𝓪 𝓟𝓞𝓥

" do you need help?" It was clear from his voice who he was.

"If I do your wishes like this, what will happen to my wishes? Let 's do something ..." He took another photo.

"You don't tell anyone what you saw today"

Now I understand how dirty Captain Nekoma is. I didn't know that a person can be so dirty.
He approached me and touched my dick.

I didn't want to. I didn't like him at all. I hate him. Why is he doing this? Just because I looked at them? It's not my fault they did it there.

I had a guilty conscience about why I did this.
He rubbed my dick.


I held his hand tightly but he continued to work.

"If you leave it here, This will be done in a bad place," he said with a dirty smile.

"Don't raise your voice, otherwise everyone will hear and we will both be caught. Bite this." He put my clothes in my mouth and I grabbed Captain Nekuma by the pressure from inside my body for cum.

"I think you are thankful for what I did, but I wanted to tell you that my work isn't over for you. If you tell someone what you saw then, it will make me take this picture that I just took of everyone in this dormitory. So, on this account, I think it would be better for you to listen to my words, otherwise this photo..... "He whispered all these words in my ear.....


When I remembered last night, I preferred not to talk to anyone. Even when Yamaguchi approached me, I ran away from him.

Honestly, when Captain Nekuma said that, I was scared and he is watching me every moment. He didn't take his eyes off me for a moment.

When today's training was over and I wanted to put the balls in the basket after lunch, I heard a sound.

"SO WHAT IS THIS?!" It was Nekuma Passor's voice.

"Nothing. I just wasn't careful,"  their captain said.

"COME ON! KENMA WHERE ARE YOU?" Hinata called him from outside.

They both came out, but their passor-by quickly went to Hinata, but their captain angrily stood behind me.

"Did you hear him?" He said angrily, but I acted as if I hadn't heard and moved towards the hall.

"I say ... you remember the photo I took yesterday, don't you?" He said calmly, and I froze when I heard this sentence.

"Do you have a problem with me? If you understand what I mean, I don't say it to anyone. You shouldn't do it in public. At that moment, it isn't my fault that anyone who sees you." I said.

Why does everyone do something to make me stand by him?

"Did you see yourself in that photo?!" He said and took out his cell phone.

"A boy who gets hard in a public place with someone else's moans," he said and laughed.

I couldn't say anything and I have never been in such a situation before.

"What happened? Are you dumb?"

"Will you delete the photo at the end of this camp?"

"If you don't tell anyone, yes"

After this conversation, we didn't talk anymore and we reached the end of the camp and he deleted the photo in front of me. But kenma wasn't with him! Kenma was with Hinata. After that everyone went home.

All these memories were for 3 years ago and I continued my life with the thought that I got rid of it easily.
I, Tsukishima, am 19 years old and I was accepted to a university in Tokyo and I came to Tokyo to find a house with my mother.

"There is a cheaper option. This very good house at a reasonable price is a much better option than the others." At my mother's urging, we consulted with a real estate consultant.

"But what difference does it make?" My mother said, and I didn't like these conversations at all, and just wanted to relax somewhere.

"The difference is that you also have a roommate"

"kei! You don't have a problem with this?" My mother said.

" No." I just tried to answer quickly.

After seeing the house and liking it, we rented that house and it was decided that from next month, I would bring my belongings and be here.
When we saw the house, we didn't see the roommate who was supposed to be there.

While moving, he went to a training camp with the university.

I was alone, moving my bed and almost tidying up my room.

After cleaning my room, I opened the refrigerator door to eat, but there was nothing in the refrigerator, and I went to the supermarket to buy some food for myself.

On the way back home, my cell phone rang, but with the headphones in my ear, I didn't hear the sound of the cell phone.

"Hello Tsukki! How are you? I wanted to say I found a house too. I just feel bad that we can no longer go to school together and our school and home are not close. I hope you have a good day. Goodbye" It was Yamaguchi.

I opened the door with the key ...

"Ah ... K-"

When I opened the door, I saw two boys kissing that this scene reminded me of a memory

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When I opened the door, I saw two boys kissing that this scene reminded me of a memory ....
again?! Why is everything repeating itself? ...

They had changed! But they are still the same dirt. It didn't matter to me anymore ...

One of the most tragic events in my life that could continue with this scene, but I didn't care. Captain of- no, there was no team that had a captain ..... Kuroo and Kenma

I was surprise, I went to my room with Poker Face.

"Didn't you say a your roommate is coming tomorrow ?!" I heard from behind the door. Kenma said.

Kuroo said nothing.

"Wasn't he familiar?!" Kuroo said.

He opened the door and said, "yo! You haven't changed at all! You're still that positive guy."

"Didn't your parents learnt you know firs?" I said, looking at my cell phone.

"No! I see you have changed."

"LET GO! If you don't do something, I will go home," Kenma said calmly.

"No. Wait. Let's go to my room."

"I told you to go to my house, but you said no. Now we have to put up with someone else," they said quietly.

I get disguise when I look at them..

To be continue...

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