Chapter 16: Challenge. Accepted.

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"How sad the world would be should laughter disappear."


"Undertaker!" Ciel announces. "Why bring corpses back to life?" 

"Ah, well~" Undertaker starts with a grin, "I suppose I did have quite the laugh so I owe you information. I guess it was my curiosity that drove me. But they had one single flaw. That's why they instinctively seek what they lack, in order to find a soul they will try to open up the bodies of the living. To balance the never ending cinematic record, you see." He explains while shaping his fingers into the shape of a heart. Just as he finishes his explanation, a loud crash echos through the room followed by groans and many slow moving foot steps. 

All around the up stairs balcony, many corpses fold over the railing. There mouths hanging wide open, tongues slimy and hanging out. "I guided them, as requested." A monotone, but familiar, voice announces. 

"Well done my dear, Baylee." Everyone's heads, including the shinigamis, snap back to Undertakers direction. There they see Baylee staring off into nothing-ness while Undertaker pets her head. "Baylee!' Sebastian yells. Grell shrieks and starts fighting off the corpses alongside Ronald.

Undertaker cackles, "She cant hear you, butler. Shes under my hypnosis." he lays his cheek on her head. Sebastian growls in response. His fangs elongate and eyes blaze with rage. "Give her back!"

"Why? So you can keep your promise?" He chuckles once more, "I don't think you'll be able to keep this one. What do you think, darling?" Undertaker bends down to Baylees level and cups her chin, having her look at him. "Undertaker!" Undertaker turns his head.

"I challenge you to a duel! Winner gets Baylees soul!" Sebastian says with a confidence, even he didn't know where it came from. With his chin held high he stares Undertaker down, waiting for a response. 

"Well, butler, you seem confident enough. I accept!" All at the same time, the corpses stop there attacks and turn to face Undertaker and Sebastian. Undertaker walks down the steps delicately. "Earl, would you be a dear and keep the young lady company? She can tend to your ankle in the mean time." Baylee walks over to Sebastian, the monotone expression still decorated her pretty face. She plucks CIel from Sebastian's grasp and walks back up the stairs, setting him on the ground and wrapping his ankle in Gauss she had in her pocket. 

Sebastian watches her with a saddened look. "We'll have a fair fight to the death or  till neither one of us can continue." His gaze moves back to undertaker as he speaks. "Sounds fair enough. Lets duel, butler."

Sebastian was the first to make a move. He rushes over to Undertaker and attempts a kick to the head but the Undertaker back flips, landing on the up stairs railing. Sebastian follows suit throwing punches and kicks, only to have the other dodge and jump out of the way. Undertaker cackles, "I thought you had more power to you, butler!" 

Sebastian growls and gets his knives and forks out. He chucks them at Undertaker, who uses his wooden stake to block them. Many more are thrown and only a select few hit there intended target. "Are you even taking this seriously?" Undertaker taunts some more. Sebastian rips one of the pillars out from its spot, under the stairs, and uses it to swing at the reaper. Undertaker, too busy cackling to notice, gets hit with the pillar and gets smashed into a wall. 

A large crack forms in the wall, both duelers are too blinded by rage to notice. The silver haired reaper wipes his mouth with his sleeve. He looks down and sees blood. He glares at the demon, still holding the pillar, and stands up. "Seem's as though this has taken a turn." He opens his robe and many more wooden stakes fly out and morph together to form a magnificent scythe. (Picture)

"Lets play." He takes the scythe in both hands and leaps at Sebastian. Sebastian tries to block his attack with the pillar only to have it cut in half. Sebastian leaps backwards. He stares amazed at the scythe the undertaker had in his possession. The undertaker continued attacking Sebastian. pushing him back further and further. Sebastian dodged and used his silverware to block any attacks he could. 

Undertaker takes one last slash at Sebastian knocking him into a wall. He see's whats happening and smiles. "Well butler~  Seems this will be the end for you~" He raises his scythe above his head. Sebastian looks weakly up at Undertaker.  "Any last words, demon?"

"Sebastian!" Grell yells at the demon butler angrily. Everyone directing their attention to the red head. "I'm surprised at you! You would let Baylees soul fall into that old guys hands?!" Undertaker chuckles. "He's laughing at you! Looking down at you like you're nothing more than a sewer rat!" Grell shakes his fist in the air and leans over the railing. "Now get you're arse up and fight!" Ronald looks over the railing and raises his fist along with Grell and starts chanting, "Fight! Fight! Fight!" Ciel sighs but chants with the reapers.  Undertaker giggles even more. 

Sebastian smirks and spits blood out to the side. "I don't think these will be my last words but yours instead." He remarks at the Undertaker. 'One last time' Sebastian looks over at Baylee, who just sits blankly next to Ciel.

A/N: Holy Jesus!! I am soooooo sorry.... I have put this off long enough and I apologize... I just haven't had the push to actually finish this. I hope the fight makes up for it. Still more to come~ I love you all!!~~

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2015 ⏰

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