Chapter 6: New At The School

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Baylee's POV~

I separated from the kiss and looked at him for a response. He only smiled at me before getting off the bed and moving across the room. 

"I guess you should stay in here with me then. You know... If you don't want anyone finding out your secret, that is." 

"Yeah. I guess I should. Thanks." He threw something at me and I caught it. I looked at the item in my hand and found out it was a dark purple cloak. "Whats this for?" I ask Robin.

"It's what everyone has to wear in the Violet Wolf dormitory." He says and stands in front of me. 

I look down at the cloak in my hands, "Oh."

"Why don't you try it on?" I nod and he back's up a few step's. I stand and throw the cloak over my shoulder and buttoning it. I look in the body mirror that was in the room. I didn't look to shabby. "You look good." He says and I blush at the comment. He walks back over to his trunk (You know. That big chest that people hold their stuff in) and grabs out more clothes. "Do you want to change in the bathroom or me?" He asks facing me once again.

"I'll change in the bathroom." I say a bit to quickly as I grab my P.J.'s and rush to the bathroom that was in the room. Once I change into The baggy shirt and pants, I walk back into the room to find Robin on the top bunk of the bunk bed's. He noticed I came and sat up. 

He's shirtless! I scream in my head. 

"What? These are my pajamas." He smirks at me and I blush again. "You should get some rest. We need to get up early in the morning. And you have to do your ceremony." He says laying down and facing away from me. 

"Ceremony?" I ask putting my other clothes away and laying down in my bed, which is the bunk underneath him. 

"Yeah. You gotta go to the princible's office and they make you say some stuff and they officially enroll you into the school." 

"Oh. Hey, Robin?" I ask looking up at the bed above me. 


"Thanks. For everything." 

"No prob." I close my eyes and let sleep envelope me in a warm embrace.

~~Next Morning~~

I wake up to someone saying my name and shaking me. I rub my eyes tiredly and look at the blur next to me, "S-Sebastian?" I ask. 

"What? No. It's me, Robin. It's time to get up. You gotta head to the princible's office." I nod as he walks away and I sit up stretching my arms above my head. I let my arm's fall to my side's as I yawn. I stand up, grab my clothes, and head to the bathroom to change. I change into my school uniform and put the newly received cloak on as well. I step out of the bathroom just as Robin was putting his cloak on as well. 

"Do you have any coffee?" I say still tired. 

"Coffee?" He asks. 

"I'll take that as a no then." I sigh and walk out the door. 

~~Timeskip to you being outside~~ 

I walk out the dorm's door's and shield my eye's from the bright sun. 

Inside the dorm is so dark. No wonder they all hate the sun. I HATE the sun. 

I walk over to the big circle in the middle of the school ground's, covered in people, and look around for Ciel. I spot him walking along casually reading a book. I was walking towards him when someone stepped in front of me. I look up at the tall silhouette in front of me and recognize him instantly. 

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