Chapter 1: Arrival

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(thank you for reading this chapter your awesome! :) )

~Baylee's P.O.V.~

Wow. England. I thought as I stand by the railing of the ship, looking out at the sea. I wonder if he's changed at all. I wondered about my brother. 

~flash back to that morning~

"MOM! MOM! MOM!" I yelled as I ran into the living room, where my mother and father were. 

"Yes?" "Bard sent a letter!" I told her fighting back tears of joy. Her eyes wisened and ripped the letter out of my hands. She ripped the envelope open and scanned the page. As she read she put a hand to her mouth and a tear fell down her face. 

"Mom? What's wrong?" I asked her scared. She hands me the letter and I read it out loud.

"Dear Family,

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't written in  long while. I must have worried you so much. But i am alive! After the war i got a job at a mansion in England. As a cheif! Aren't you proud of me. But I got a minute to myself and wrote to you to let you know im all well and to not worry about me. I love ya guys. Hope I can visit soon.

                                                             Love, Bard"

A tear fell down my face and I smiled. "My brothers alive" I emediately ran upstarirs to my room and packed a bag. 

"Where are you going?" My father asks. 

"Im going to see my brother. I love you guys!" I yell and i run out of the house.

~back to present~

I was pulled out of my thought's when the boat pulled into a dock. I smiled getting butterflies in my stomach. I grabbed my bag, got off the boat, and called a taxi. I've beeen asking around if any one knew where my brother worked. all the answers where the same, Phantomhive Manor.

I had the taxi man drop me off at the address. I stepped out of the carriage and was amazed at the huge house in front of me. Two storys tall, many windows, vines crawling up the sides and cracks which means its been here for a while. I would guess 10 years at least. I grabbed my bag and walked to the front door knocking on the polished wood. 

The doors opened and there stood a very tall man. He was dressed in all black. A black tail coat, black pants, black shoes, even his hair is black. But his eyes... They were something different. 

"May I help you?" He asked in a velvety voice.

"Maybe. I'm looking for a Bardroy Cook." (Also I have no idea what his last name is. I thought of Dane Cook and took his last name)

"May I ask who is asking for him?" I smile

"His sister. Baylee Cook." his eyes went wide "Does this surprise you?"

he regained his composure, "Slightly. I didn't know Bardroy had a sister. If you will please come in I will get him for you" He smiled and stepped aside for me. I walked in and looked around. This place is huge. I thought. It was almost empty but massive. A giant staircase leading upstairs with a portrait of a man and woman in the middle of the wall. Doors almost leading into every direction. 

My thoughts were interupted by someone screaming my name. I turn my head to see my beloved brother running towords me. He hugs me tight and i return it with just as much force. 

"Baylee. What are you doing here?" He says in a strange accent. 

Tears now streaming down my cheeks and I smile, "I. I c-came t-to see y-you." I say in bewtween hiccups. 

he pulls away but still grips my shoulders, "Why are you crying?" He gives me a tissue he had in his pocket.

I wipe my face, "I'm just happy to know you're alive" I smile at him and hug him again. 

"What's going on down there?" I turn my head to see a small boy walking down the stairs. 

"Master, this is Baylee Cook. Bardroy's little sister." The man in black introduces me. 

"Master? But he's a kid." I whisper to bard. "Baylee." He sternly says to me. 

"My name is Earl Ciel Phantomhive. Please to make your aquaintance miss Cook." He kisses my hand. Well he certainly dosen't act like a kid. I look at him closer and notice that he a blue and his his right eye covered with an eye patch. His hair is a navy blue and he wear's fancy clothes. He's also holds a cane which I doubt he needs. But just the way he walked over to me, he held his head high. Even with his past. Since he is my brother's employer I did research on the kid. I never did see a picture. 

"Please, call me Baylee." I smile

"Then please call me Ciel. You've already met my butler Sebastian." He motions to the butler who let me in. He smiles at me and bows slightly. 

"Yes, nice to meet you." I tell him. 

"Where are you from? Your voice is different." Ciel points out.

"Oh. Me and my brother are from America."

"You're a long ways from home then. Do you have a place to stay for the night?" Ciel asks me

"No, actually. i was going to go look for a motel or something."

"It's getting late out, and a lady shouldnt be out by herself at night. You can stay here. After all I'm sure that you've missed your brother terribly. Sebastian take her things to the guest room." Sebastian bows and takes my things.

"Thank you Ciel. This mean's alot." 

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