Chapter 2: First Day

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Baylee's P.O.V.~

I decided to go into London today in search of a place to stay. Cause i can't live with Ciel. 

All I got is 1,000 bucks. Someone's gotta have a low rent. I think as i look at the places I walk past. I wasnt paying attention so when a guy grabbed my purse I was shocked. I run after him but he's fast and I can't really keep up.

"Give me back my purse, asshole!" I shout at the man as he turns a corner. I turn down the same corner but I can't find him. I sigh and start my way back to Ciel's mansion. 

I walk in the door and am greeted by Bard and Sebastian. Sebastian takes my coat and hangs it up. 

"You're back early. How'd it go?" Bard asks me.

"Didn't you have a purse Miss Baylee?" Sebastian points out.

"I did. I got robbed." I sigh and lace my fingers in my long blonde hair. 

"This is why I should have went with ya!" Bard sighs then looks at me again, "How much money did you have?"

I sigh again, "A thousand bucks" 

Bard looks speach-less, "Where'd you get that kind of money from?!"

"I got a job while you were away and I saved up. The worst part is that, that was all the money I had." I groan.

"If you're looking for a job, we could always use another maid." Sebastian interjects.

"Really? A maid? How much does it pay? Will I still be able to stay here?"

"you will be paid 20 dollars at the end of each day. And yes you will stay here." He smiles at me. 

"EACH DAY?! Does Ciel mind?" I ask him.

"Why don't we find out." Sebastian holds his hand out in front of me. I look at his hand then at him. I turn on my heel and walk towords Ciel's study. I hear Bard giggling behind me. "You just got rejected Sebastian."

"Dont you have a kitchen to repair?" Sebastian says angrily.

I walk up the stairs and a little bit down the hall. If I remember correctly, his study should be-. My thoughts were interupted by a certain butler pinning me to the wall. 

"What are you doing butler?" I glare at him. 

"You know I dont like to be made a fool of Baylee." He says sternly, getting rid of any formality. 

"What? Can't handle rejection?" I smirk at him. 

"I think you need to be taught a lesson, Baylee" The way he said my name sent shivers down my spine. I shook it off though. 

"Why dont you just be a good butler and fetch me some tea." I mock him. 

He frowns and throws me over his shoulder. I pound on his back yelling things that would make a sailor gasp. He takes one step when a voice stops him, "What are you doing Sebastian?" 

"Ciel! Your butler's trying to-" I try to speak but Sebastian interupts me. again.

"Nothing my lord." He sets me down. 

"Bullshit! Mister butler here can't handle rejection so he decided he wanted to 'teach me a lesson'" I imitate his on the last part. He glares at me out of the corner of his eye. I smirk at him. 

"I want you both in my office" Ciel turns around and walks down the hall. Me and sebastian follow him. Sebastian leans down and whispers in my ear, "I'm going to add this to the punishment list." 

"Now your keeping track? Is there a reward's list?" I shoot back. He smirks at me, "Yes and not yet." He stands up straight and looks at me almost amused. God, I wanted to smack that look off of his face.

We got into Ciel's office. I sat down in a chair in front of his desk and Sebastian stood next to him. 

"I heard everything you two said to each other. It amused me actually." He puts his hand together and rest's his chin on them. "But if you are to work here you two cannot keep this up. Am I clear?"

"Yes Ciel. Wait. Does that mean you are giving me the job?" Ciel nods. 

"I do have some rules though." I nod for him to go on. "You are to call me Sir or Young Master. You must wear a maid uniform. And you must get along with Sebastian." 

"Sure. Sure. And why?" I look at Sebastian, whose still standing next to Ciel. He smirks at me and I role my eyes.

"Because. If I am ever to have guests I'd rather not have them hear two of my servants bickering at eachother." 

I cross my arms, "Then tell him handle rejection better."

"I'm perfectly fine with rejection." Sebastian retorts.

"Than what was that in the hallways just then?"

"That was me being pissed off because someone decided to make a fool out of me in front of her brother." His voice getting serious.

"Oh big woop get over it you big baby!" I say getting ticked off.

"I am not-" 

"Enough! You two sound like children! Baylee. You know my terms. If you can't follow all three of them then you'll have to find another job." Ciel interupts. 

I think of my options for a moment. "Fine. I guess I can make peace with the ba- *cough* with Sebastian." I stand up and walk over to him. I stick out my hand. "truse?"

He looks at me sceptically then shakes my hand, "truse."

"Now then. Sebastian, you must give Baylee her maid uniform, her room, and train her. That's an order"

Sebastian does a slight bow to him. 

"Yes, my lord" 

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