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Y/n's POV -

I woke up early to the sound of Draco getting ready. I knew he purposely was making ruckus to upset me from my sleep but I shoved it off.

I got ready to go eat breakfast and left without saying a word. I walked out into the common room and saw Blaise sitting and reading.

"Goodmorning to my favorite Gryffindor." Blaise said putting down his book.

"Blaise. I'm the only Gryffindor you actually tolerate." I said laughing and turning around.

"Not true I know uhm, the girl with red hair, and your other friend Hermione. I took a fancy to her third year you know."

"Hermione?! My best friend? No way." I said now setting down my bag and sitting near Blaise.

"Yeah no kidding, I guess we just didn't work out. But you're still my favorite Gryffindor." Blaise said while picking up his book again.

"I better be. I'm going to breakfeast if you'd like to join us." I said now standing.

"If I was seen sitting with Potter and Weasley Draco would get mad, but I'd love to hangout another time." He said clearing his throat.

I nodded and left the common room smiling. I had finally made some progress with Blaise who was close to Draco.

As I headed to breakfast I saw the great hall was FILLED. I must've taken long getting ready and talking.

"Hey Im sorry I'm late." I said sitting next to Ginny.

"It's okay y/n but uhm hey yesterday we saw-..." Ron started but quickly got cut off by a screaming little voice running into the great hall.

"Y/NNNNNN!!!!!!!!" a little Slytherin boy came running down the middle aisle.

Many heard and turned their heads towards the boy who was now right in front of the Gryffindor table. As the boy was crying and sayin inaudible words two other young children came running over toward her screaming.




"ENOUGH! Okay listen Lucian I can make them another one. Alice and Millicent I told you sharing was better than stealing right?" I said looking like a mother now.

"Right. Stealing is wrong." Alice said looking up with eyes full of tears.

"Okay so here's what's going to go on. Alice return the necklace and I'll make one for you and Millicent." I said and I brought out my wand to create two more new necklaces specially for each child.

"Thank you and we're sorry." Millicent said hugging me.

"Hey guys ill be back im going to walk them to their table." I said nodding towards Ron.

I walked the three first years one in my arms and two walking side by side holding my hand. I walked over to the table and sat them down while I placed their necklaces on their necks and got them situated for the day.

I looked up to a familiar set of eyes staring at me.

A/n - i know this chapter was cheesy but I LOVE the connection with kids that y/n made it makes everyone see how truly kind she is.

𝐓𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐲 𝐋𝐚𝐰 ~ D.MWhere stories live. Discover now