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Y/n's POV -

I came storming into the common room and stood by the fireplace. My arms crossed and staring straight at Draco.

"Your father. It was him wasn't it. He didn't want anything to do with me. He was the one who told you not to write to me. He can't stand you being with someone that's different." I said scoffing.

"DAMN IT DRACO LOOK AT ME." I said now raising my voice and catching the attention of many others.

"Do not speak on my fathers name with such disrespect."

"Draco. We were doing so good." I said.

"And now we're not. Look at us go. We've ruined another thing. Also my father has taken me out of Marriage counseling class so forget even going."

"W-what. Draco were not getting.. you. I don't understand." I said sitting now in his lap trying to get his attention.

"Get off of me you filthy Gryffindor. We were never meant to be together. Cant you see. It was all a mistake."

"Draco the cuddling with the sunrise, the ballroom and terrace dancing, the sleeping together was NO mistake to me." I said bawling my eyes out.

"Wipe your tears and go. I'm done. We're done."

I gasped. I finally came to the realization, Draco said it. A few words I had been dreading to hear.

"We're done." Repeated in my head over and over and I ran to Draco's room and grabbed all my stuff. I grabbed Draco's clothes and threw them in the fireplace on my way out.

"Filthy Girl you." He said but what he didn't know is that I stayed a little longer for a response anything to let me know he truly wasn't done.

He broke down. His hands went to his face and he curled up. He looked just as broken.

His fault. I ran to the extra room and cried. I cried myself to sleep missing Draco's presence.

A few weeks later -

Classes went by normally just me avoiding all contact with friends and staff. I didn't talk to Pansy for days, and Ron and Harry were people I didn't see anymore. Hermione and Ginny we're worried but we're having problems of their own so they focused on them.

Many couples by now were engaged and many expecting weddings to come. As the end of the year approached I grew more and more lonely. I wouldn't get to have Draco and I's kids. I wouldn't get to stay up grading papers and working at Hogwarts. There was no purpose for my future anymore.

It was gone and my hope for all love was gone too.

I was numb. And alone....

𝐓𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐲 𝐋𝐚𝐰 ~ D.MWhere stories live. Discover now