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"What the- Oh Draco it's just you. Hey what's up?" I asked puzzled.

"Follow me real quick."

"Draco if I don't go now I might miss my train ride."

"Shush just 20 minutes. Please."

Draco led me up to the upper ballroom and terrace and there playing was a song.

"May I have this dance?" Draco asked while holding out his hand.

I took his hand and he brought me in with a hand on my waist and a hand holding my other up. Our fingers intertwined and my head may upon his shoulder while his head rested on mine. His chest warmed me up on the freezing terrace. Our breaths in synch and our feet moving to the music.

I looked up at him and in his eyes. Slowly he leaned towards me and I could feel his breath inching closer towards my mouth.

Our lips crashed into each other and our lips moving in synch while he still held me. His hands now trailing and holding my inner back while my hands came up hooking around his neck.

"Stay with me tonight." Draco said while we both were gaining more air.

"As long as I don't have to sleep on the couch." I joked now pulling his face towards mine as we both laughed.

Our lips intertwined once again and this time more comfortable than the last. Draco picked me up and danced along with the music. I laughed breaking the kiss and hoped out of his arms while circling him and dancing. We both made our way to the doors while dancing through the ballroom.

"You know that was the best kiss I've ever had." I said giggling.

"Oh yeah? You sure it wasn't your first?" He said playfully hitting my arm.

"Draco! Was it that bad?" I said not recalling the last time I kissed someone.

"No. I'm only kidding love. It was great." He said interlocking our fingers.

"Now c'mon you can wear my clothes after your shower." He said picking me up in his arms again.

We got to his room and I entered the shower and washed off. Remembering our memories from tonight warmed my chest up and I turned off the water and got out.

I was shutting my eyes rethinking of Draco's dance moves with me. All of sudden Draco walked in and bumped into me.

My towel fell to the ground and I immediately gasped trying to cover myself.

"Love I'm sorry uhm but you left my clothes in there." He said now eyeing me up and down.

"Malfoy! Turn away!!" I said shocked that he was still looking.

"Why love, you look gorgeous."

Draco came closer putting the shirt on my top clothing me once again. He grabbed my waist pulling them towards him and kissed me. This one filled with passion and need.

We stopped for breathes but continued until I got tired.

"Draco time for you to take a shower." I said tapping his chest.

"Please tell me that wasn't your first interaction with a boy seeing you naked."

"Pshhh- what." I said picking up my towel and covering my bottom half.

"It was! Wasn't it?" He said now laughing.

"Shut up Malfoy." I said throwing the towel next to me at his face and exiting the bathroom.

𝐓𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐲 𝐋𝐚𝐰 ~ D.MWhere stories live. Discover now