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"because I LOVE YOU." He said grabbing my hand.

"Draco, I- I you were wrong. But I can't deny it. You've made me the happiest I've been ever. I love you too Draco Malfoy." I said cupping his cheek.

He brought me in his arms and turned us so we'd be facing the stars. I showed him my journal and how much I've gotten done in the time I'd been without him.

We headed back to our room and fell asleep.
The last month had been a fever dream. Exams came and past. I rekindled my friendship with Blaise and Pansy. I became much closer with the golden trio plus Ginny, Neville, and Luna. I solved our all of Hermiones problems, and of course I was Ginny's therapist.

I had mended to all my unfinished work and maintained good grades with the help of Luna and Hermione. I even got closer with Luna, met her father and made cool crafts.

Neville showed me all his cool plants and Blaise laughed but I told him no wonder he was failing Herbology.

Everything was perfect, just one thing was missing, Draco.

I had rebuilt all my relationships with everyone around except the love of my life and I hadn't seen him all week.

I decided to go to bed early but I awoke in the middle of the night to Pansy shaking me awake.

"Wake up!" Pansy said shaking me.

"Draco needs to be assisted he needs you to read this." And with that Pansy ran away.

The letter read-

Dear y/n,

I had an accident by the lake and need you to come ASAP. All our friends are here but I wanted to let you get your beauty sleep. Mother's here and she's worried. Mcgonagall has set up an emergency bed by the lake. I cannot be taken to the Hospital wing or I might have a low chance of survival.

Love you,


My eyes opened wide. I immediately ran to my closet pulling out a sundress and comfy shoes. I brushed my hair on the way there.

"Draco you better not die on me now." I said brushing through my hair while trying to run.

I threw the brush to the ground and tan to the lake.

But to my surprise when I got there lights and lateens hung from the tree.

"Draco? You better not be dead, you idiot." I added.

I saw Luna all of sudden and she held a box. I hugged her and opened the box to see a gold necklace with Draco's ring on it. Next I walked to see Mione and Ron holding two roses I grabbed them and started suspecting what was going on.

Neville and Harry stood holding out others roses and I questioned them.

"He's not actually injured is he?" I said laughing.

Next Ron held out a bracelet. A silver bracelet with the name "Mrs. Malfoy" carved into it.

I covered my mouth and hugged Ron.

Next was Draco with Blaise and Pansy standing beside holding to more roses.

Narcissa stood behind.

"Y/n Im not actually injured now that you know."

"Yeah your idiot." I said laughing.

"But i wanted to say. From the first year we met and I made fun of your brunette fuzzy hair, or third year when I bumped into you but blamed it on you, I gave you a hard time just until this year only to find that I was in love with you. I aw fun of you only to recognize that you were the only thing that made me happy. The only girl who I've brought home to my mother and the only girl I've actually wanted to see again."

He got down on one knee and tears were threshing me to pour out.

"Y/n L/n. Will you marry me?"

I nodded as he put the ring on my finger and jumped in his arms.

"All mine Y/n Malfoy." He whispered in my ear.

"I've always been and always will." I said now kissing his lips.

Mcgonagall and Narcissa congratulated me while I turned backwards to see my friends grouped around waiting to hug me.
I screamed happily and brought everyone in for a group hug.

𝐓𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐲 𝐋𝐚𝐰 ~ D.MWhere stories live. Discover now