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610 words :( prepare yourself


Draco's POV -

We arrived to the courtyard but no y/n to be seen. I grasped the kid even harder scared for what we might find or not to find.

My worries we're interrupted but a flashback.

- flashback -

Y/n sat with her legs on my lap and a journal in hand. The smell of her vanilla perfume and coffee mixed together in my nose so sweetly.

"What're you drawing in there L/n."

"Well if you must know Malfoy. I'm finishing up a drawing I drew at the black lake." She said looking into my eyes.

"What's so special about the black lake, it's full of nasty things?"

"The surroundings. My mother used to take me down to the lake when I felt sad, worried, scared, or even happy. It became my first safe-space when my father passed." She said putting down her journal.

-- end of flashback

"The Black lake." I said sternly.

"What was that Mr. Malfoy?" Mcgonagall asked.

"Y/n's first safe place is the black lake. She goes there for everything she feels with her journal to doodle." I said now speedwalking towards the lake.

"Malfoy slow down and be careful with the kid." Blaise said catching up.

But I didn't listen I sped up to find y/n.

I ran in the dark branches and bushes scraping my suit. The wind now picking up a pace making it more difficult to fight against.

I looked in the distance bringing out my wand and casting a spell for light.

"Lumos!" I said.

There she was. Her silhouette standing with her journal looking out upon the black lake.

"Y/N?!" I yelled tears now running from my eyes onto the child in my arms.

"Lucian? Draco?" She said running towards us.

I ran towards her with the kid and hugged her like there was no other care in the world. We both had tears running down.

"Y/n just listen and you don't have to accept my apology. You were right, I push people away because I'm scared of letting my guard down. You're also right that my dad raised a no good whore. I look for praise from girls as a sign of weakness from me. I'm sorry. What I did was wrong I don't even like Astoria. And what Lucian told me how you remember every detail of me and everything that truly makes you happy makes me happy. Y/n I was wrong and I hope you can forgive me." I said now putting the child down and hugging y/n tight.

"Draco you were in the wrong. I was hurt and....-"

"Yes I know I know. I'm a bastard and there will be nothing that can help that. I'm sorry I put you in this pain. I said I was willing to change but I need to do better I will. I remember from the first year how you stood up to me about blood purity under how the attitude never changed. It stayed and I love it. I love how you can take charge and show confidence and show NO fear." I said now grasping her cheeks as her tears fell to my thumbs.

"I forgive you Draco. I cannot believe you remembered all that." She said while I wiped her puffy eyes.

She looked down at the Lucian and hugged him tight.

"See I told you it's normal for mommy and daddy to fight." The kid said while giggling.

Both y/n and I laughed and grabbed the child's hands while walking back to the group who was now in tears from our conversation.
A/n - yay! They made up :)

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