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Lola walked into school. Madison walked towards her. "We need to talk. Now."

"I didn't do it."

"Yes you did. With me."

Lola frowned. She followed Madison into her classroom. Madison closed the door. "Want to explain to me why Max bloody Tyler seems to think you're sleeping with Tom Clarkson? Because I hadn't even woken up before I had him at my door," she said.

Lola paled. She didn't know what to think. She looked at Madison. "He said what?"

"That you, have been sleeping with Tom Clarkson. He said he heard you both the other day. He apparently would have told me sooner. But he's been on a course. Is it true?" Madison asked.

Lola shook her head. "No! You know Mr Tyler. He fancies you. He wants to win you back doesn't he? So he would say something like this to make Tom look bad," she said.

Madison sighed and nodded. She looked at her. "I'm going to have it out with Max. Right now."

Lola walked into Tom's classroom. She looked at him. "Max Tyler knows about what we did. He heard us," she told him.

Tom paled. He looked at her. "How do you know?" He asked.

"Because he went to Madison. He told her about us. I lied and said it was nothing. But she's gone to have it out with him."

Tom rolled his eyes. "Also known as she'll give him a blowjob under the desk and then he'll convince her that there's something going on with us," he said.

Lola sighed. "This is stupid. It really is."

Tom nodded. "Yes. Now leave please. Because if I'm seen with you, I could lose everything. And I don't want to lose my job."


Lola was sitting in the common room. She looked up as Rachel walked in. "What do you say we go away this weekend? Mother and daughter bonding?" She asked.

Lola shrugged. "Maybe. I may have some plans of my own," she told her.

Rachel rolled her eyes. "You won't if I ground you."

"You can't ground me for no reason."

"We'll see about that. Look love, we never have anytime together. You're either always out. Or you're with Madison. And if she's involved with Max Tyler again, then I don't want you there."

Lola rolled her eyes. "She isn't involved with him again. She is a single person. And she's my favourite person."

Madison walked towards Lola. She sighed. "I saw the CCTV. I know you and Tom had something. So please. Be honest with me. I will keep it quiet. But you don't know how much trouble you could both get into," she said.

"Oh god."

"Lo. Please. What the hell is going on? Have you been having an affair with Tom Clarkson? I promise that I won't say anything."

Lola nodded. She broke down crying. "It just happened and I didn't mean for it too. I couldn't help myself. I'm sorry."

Madison took her hand. She sighed. "I promise. Everything is going to be okay. I'll keep this to myself. Max will keep it to himself. It'll be okay."

Lola nodded and sobbed into Madison. But could she and Madison keep this quiet? Or would everything go completely wrong with someone out to get Tom?

An affair with my teacher  *waterloo road*Where stories live. Discover now