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Lola lay in bed. She didn't want to go to school. Her mind was miles away. She was pregnant and she didn't know what she was going to do.

Lola knew how Tom had told her how they would make it work but she didn't know how they would. She was scared and she didn't know what to think. She didn't know what to do

Lola looked as Rachel walked into the room and looked to her and frowned

"What's wrong" Rachel asked as Lola looked to her and sighed

"I feel sick" Lola said. Lola wasn't lying. She did feel sick and nauseous and she hated it

"You don't look well. But you have an English exam this morning and it's important so if you don't feel better at lunch I'll bring you home okay" Rachel said as Lola looked to her and nodded

Lola knew That she wasn't in the mood to argue. She knew how hard that she was trying not to throw up. She had an exam that she hadn't prepared for and knew that she was going to fail.

Lola knew that she needed to sort out what she was going to do over the pregnancy

Lola got to school and smiled as she saw Tom. He walked over to where she was walking down the hallway

"You okay" he asked as she looked to him and sighed

"I have been better. I don't know...I am trying not to throw up on your shoes. The nausea is bad. I think they because I'm throwing up already I'm further on than I thought and I haven't revised for this exam" Lola said

Tom placed a hand on her arm and smiled. He could tell that she was scared

"I know that it's a mess and I know that you are worried and scared but you are smart and you will ace this exams and when it comes to the pregnancy we will sort it out. I swear" he said as he placed a hand on her cheek and smiled as they held a look

Lola walked into the common room and sat on the sofa "hey are you okay" Madison asked as she stood in the corner of the room

Lola looked to her cousin and smiled. She knew how hard that things were and she hated it

"Just one of those days" Lola said as Madison looked to her and smiled

Madison knew that there was something going on with Lola and she could see that she wasn't herself and it worried her

Madison just hoped that everything would be okay. She knew that Lola had been through a lot lately

Lola walked out of the house as she walked down the street. She grabbed her cardigan around her as she saw Toms car.

She got in as he looked to her and frowned "your shaking" he said as she smiled

"It's cause I'm cold" she said as he smiled. He placed a hand on her cheek and smiled

"You know that i love you but you know the risk of this" he said as she sighed

"I know I don't want you to get into trouble but an abortion...I don't know" she said as he smiled as he took a hold of her hand and smiled

"Do ya want this baby"

"I think I could" Lola said as a test rolled down her face as he smiled

"Then we will do it. We will find a way to make it work I promise" he said as she smiled

Lola knew how none of it would be easy

An affair with my teacher  *waterloo road*Where stories live. Discover now