Thirteen 💋

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Lola stood in the bathroom and sighed as she placed the pregnancy test that she had just taken down. She was scared over the results as she knew that she had no idea what to do if it was positive.

Lola knew how scared that she was. Lola knew how she and Tom weren't exactly careful and she knew that if she was pregnant how it would change everything and she had no idea if she was ready for it. Lola Knew how nervous she was. She knew that she was still at school and how it was a mess and she hated it but

she knew that she was trying even though it seemed to be impossible. Lola picked up the test and looked down at it to see that it was positive. She felt sick, she felt the colour drain from her face.

She was pregnant and she was scared and she had no idea over how she was going to make it work or what she was going to do. She knew that it was only going to be so long until the truth over her and Tom came out and she knew that she wasn't ready for the drama of it.

She knew just how scared that she was over it all

Lola got to school and stood in the hallway. She knew how it was all a mess and she had no idea what she was going to do. Lola looked to see Madison as she walked over to her and smiled

"hey are you okay you seem off lately" Madison asked as Lola smiled

"I'm okay" Lola said. Lola knew that she wanted to tell Madison that she was pregnant but she knew that she couldn't as if she did that all the drama over her and Tom would come pot and she knew it was last thing that she wanted or needed

"I'm okay" Lola said as Madison nodded. She was convinced and could tell that there was something bothering her

"I get you don't want to tell me but just so you know you can. I am here for you and it's all going to be okay. Whatever is bothering you. You can tell me" Madison said as Lola looked to her and smiled

"I'm fine you don't need to worry over me" Lola said. Lola knew that she was pregnant and how she needed to deal with it but it scared her.

Lola had no idea what she was going to do but she had to tell Tom over it all

Lola walked into toms classroom as he looked to her and smiled "hey are you okay" he asked as she smiled

"I'm fine I dunno I need to talk to you" Lola said as Tom nodded

"sure what is it" he asked as she sighed

"I'm pregnant and I really don't know what we are going to do" Lola said as Tom asked over to her and smiled. He could see how scared she is

"we are going to find a way to deal with it I promise it's going to be okay" Tom said as Lola smiled.

She wanted to believe him but she knew how scared she was

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