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Lola stood in shock as everyone looked to her. She couldn't believe what Amy Porter had done.

Madison walked over to her with Max. "Lola. What's she talking about? What have you been doing with Mr Clarkson?" She asked.

"N-Nothing. She's lying."

Madison took hold of Lola's hand. She dragged her out. "I don't care you're lying to those lot. They're irrelevant. I care that you're lying to me. What is going on?"

Lola looked to her. She sighed. "Fine. I've been having an affair with Mr Clarkson. It's been going on for a few days months."

Madison swore as she looked to her. She shook her head. "I'm not hearing this. Do you know what this could do? It could ruin his life. It could ruin your life. He could go to jail and you could be excluded from school!"

"Madi. Please don't tell my mum. She will kill me. Literally she will murder me. And the LEA are here today. Please," Lola sobbed.

Madison looked to her. "How do you expect me to keep this quiet? It will literally be all over the school. There's no way she won't have heard it."


"Lola. This will be sorted. I promise you," Max said as he took Madison's hand and walked off with her.

Lola was sitting in the common room. She heard people whispering and mumbling. She rolled her eyes.

Amy walked over to her. "Want to explain to me why I've just been dragged in front of Tyler? He thinks I'm lying to make you look good."

"Well there's no proof is there? So why wouldn't he think you're lying?" She said as she looked to her.

Amy glared. "I will ruin you. I hope you know that."

"Try it."

Amy groaned and turned around. Everyone else was there looking at her. Lola rolled her eyes. "Get lost."

Rachel walked through the school. All she was hearing was whispering. Some pupils were looking at her. "What's going on?" She asked.

"Miss haven't you heard?"

Rachel rolled her eyes. "Heard what?"

"Lola has been having an affair with Mr Clarkson. Amy Porter told us. Mr Tyler and other Miss Mason were there."

Rachel frowned. She felt the anger overcome her. And she was going to find out just what had been going on.

Lola sat in Madison's classroom. The door opened and Rachel walked in. "What the hell has been going on? Why do I have pupils coming up to me in the corridor saying you've been having an affair with Mr Clarkson?" She said.

Lola looked to Madison. She turned to her mum. "I don't know. I'm not."

"Somehow I don't believe you. What the hell is going on Lola? I want the bloody truth. Or I will go and find Amy Porter. And I will ask her what's going on," Rachel said.

Lola shrugged and smiled. "Go and ask her then. I'm not having an affair with Mr Clarkson. I promise you."

Rachel shook her head. "I never thought I'd see the day my own daughter lied directly to my face. I want you to stay with Madison for a bit. I can't even look at you," she said.


"No. Don't mum me. Because now, I have to go and fire Tom Clarkson! One of the best teachers this school has ever had. All because you had to act on your stupid school girl crush!" Rachel yelled.

Lola was sitting in Madison's with her. The tears were pouring down her cheek. Madison held her as the door knocked. "I'll go," Madison said as she stood up.

Madison opened the door and saw Tom. "I don't think you should be here Tom."

"I want to see her. Please."

Madison let him in. Lola looked to Tom. "I'm so sorry," she sobbed.

Tom shook his head. "What we had, it's over. We can't do this anymore."

Lola watched as Tom walked off. But she had no idea just how it was going to get a lot worse for her.

An affair with my teacher  *waterloo road*Where stories live. Discover now