Nineteen 💋

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Lola sat in bed as she wiped the tears from her eyes. She knew how messy that things were and she hated it, Lola knew how Tom had ended it and he had broken her heart and she was angry that he would do such a thing socks,my when she was pregnant with his baby. Lola felt numb

Lola lay in bed as Rachel walked into the room and looked to her and glared "go away your a bitch and I hate you" Lola spat as she rolled over in bed

"Come on get up I know over the rumours and I know that your upset but you can't void this and you have to go to school" Rachel said as she pulled the duvet off of Lola who glared

"Why do you leave me alone. All you know is yell at me and be horrible to me ,you don't care about me. You believe Amy Porter and what she's saying and I am your daughter. I am not having an affair with my teacher. I'm alone and I'm pregnant and I hate you so go to hell" Lola spat as she pushed past Rachel and waked into the bathroom

Lola locked to door and sat on the lid of the toilet seat as she sat sobbing. She hated this, she hated what a mess it was and how alone that she felt, she just wanted for everything to be okay but it was far from it

She sat with her phone in her hands and wiped the tears from her face as she looked to the texts that she had send Tom. He hadn't spoken to her since he had dumped her but she knew that he couldn't avoid her forever. Especially when she was pregnant with his baby

Lola heard Rachel knock on the door "oh piss off" Lola yelled. She hated Rachel,she hated Amy Porter for causing all of this and she hated Tom for giving up on them and she knew pregnant or not she was going to make Amy Porter pay no matter what it took

Lola knew that Amy Porter got away with way too much and now it was time that she paid for everything that she had done and she didn't care. She was over it all

Lola sat in the cook man room as she got to school. She knew it was the last place that she wanted but Rachel had practically dragged her there. She looked to see as Madison walked into the room

"Are you okay?"

"Leave me alone" Lola said as Madison frowned

"That's no reason to talk to me like that" Madison said as Lola sighed

"I'm sorry. Tom broke up with me he couldn't handle the rumours of it all and it got too much. I mean I know what we did and I know it's wrong but I'm pregnant and I need him and he hasn't just dumped e he dumped the baby too. What is he going to do when I have her or him. He can't just woke away from this" Lola sobbed

Lola knew that it was getting too much for her and how she hated it, Lola knew that she was trying to act strong but she knew that she was far from it. She was scared and she didn't know what to do

"Do you want me to talk to him?" Madison asked as Lola wiped the tears from her eyes as Madison sat next to her and pulled her into a hug

"What's the point. It will make it worse and I can't force him to step up I just don't know what I am going to do" Lola said as Madison held her close and smiled

"I know It's hard but I'm here and it will be okay i promise" Madison said as Lola. Lola wasn't. Stupid. She knew the mess that she was in and she knew that it was far from okay

Lola stood in the doorway of to,s classroom as he looked to her and sighed

"Not now Lola" he said as she rolled her eyes

"You can be as childish as you want Tom. But you can't walk away from this. I'm pregnant and I am having this baby. You need to step and do the right thing. I denied our relationship and dumping me isn't going to make the rumours go away. I have had the comments and sniggering too and I am going to have this baby" she said as Tom looked to her

"You're right, it's not to late for an abortion" Tom said as she looked to him. She was angry that he could suggest such a thing

She slapped him and glared "screw you" she spat as she went to walk off as he grabbed her arm and pulled her to him. The two of them held a look as he leant in and kissed her

She kissed him back passionately as he pushed her back onto his desk as he kissed her passionately his hands ran across her body as she moaned against his touch

He got between her thighs as he pulled off her thong and unbuckled his belt as he pulled her close before he pushed into her. Lola bite down on her lip and moaned in pleasure as he started to move In and out of her

Lola had no idea what this meant for them but she knew that things were never Simple with her and Tom clarkson

An affair with my teacher  *waterloo road*Where stories live. Discover now