Returning Home

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  Harry awoke the next morning, finally able to think about the future. For the past year, he had been stuck in neutral, trying to survive, trying to destroy Voldemort, and now recently, trying to stay alive. He woke up sleeping in his bunk, something he hadn't done in a long time. He quickly got up and changed into an extra pair of clothes provided for him by the Weasley's.

  He ran down the stairs, running into Hermione.

  "I was just coming to get you, it's time for breakfast."

  "Great." He said excitedly.

  They walked down the main staircase and entered the newly rebuilt Great Hall that looked spectacular. They sat down at a table and began eating, Ron quickly joining them.

  "Feels like old times, doesn't it?" Ron said grinning.

  "Yeah it does," Harry began, "Ron, Hermione, and I are planning on completing our 7th year when Hogwarts reopens."

  "That's cool. I will have to think about it though."

  "That's fine Ron," Hermione assured.

  While they were eating, Professor McGonagall came by and asked for Harry and Hermione to join her in her new office. They stood and walked with her. When they arrived at the office and opened the door, they were greeted to a standing ovation by the portraits on the wall. Harry thanked them, addressing each portrait in the room, especially Dumbledore. Something seemed off, and suddenly Harry understood why.

  "Professor, where is Professor Snape's portrait?"

  "I'm sorry, what?"

  "I know you would think I'd be the last one to ask this, but he was a headmaster, he deserves a portrait."

  Harry proceeded to explain everything he had learned from Snape's memories and how he had been on the good side.

  McGonagall nodded, "I understand. I shall take it under consideration and see what I can do. There is something I need to give you."

  She reached around her desk and opened a drawer, pulling out a large wand.

  "We found this in the rubble, and Professor Dumbledore tells me this belongs to you now. So, here you are."

  McGonagall handed Harry the Elder Wand. Harry thanked her and immediately asked Hermione for her enchanted bag. He pulled out his old wand and laid it on the desk. He pointed the Elder Wand at it and watched as his wand slowly repaired itself. He picked it up and summoned a bouquet of flowers for Hermione. He grinned and quietly placed the wand behind Dumbledore's portrait.

After talking to McGonagall for a small time, and telling her their plans to take their 7th year Harry asked one final question. "Over the past year, we had to utilize the apparition ability to travel and escape enemies, and we have become quite proficient, despite never being able to take the test. Could I apparate instead of riding the train to King's Cross?"

  "Now, Mr. Potter, you surely understand that we must begin upholding laws and setting things straight, would that really be appropriate?"

  "No, I don't guess so."

  "Me either. Luckily enough, I am a licensed examiner for the apparition test and can examine you and award you a license."

  Harry grinned and followed McGonagall as she lead him to a field outside the castle and instructed him on places to Apparate. He flawlessly did his job and was quickly awarded a license.

  Harry and Hermione rode a carriage down to Hogsmeade. Harry looked around the grounds and then quickly apparated to Numer 12 Grimmauld Place. Kreacher was in the kitchen cleaning a spotless kitchen when they arrived. He ran to them excitedly.

  "Master has returned! Kreacher grew very worried when you did not return that you had died, or had abandoned Kreacher."

  "We did neither of those things, we just got into some trouble and didn't want to put you in danger."

  "Well, I am very glad you are back. Allow me to make you some lunch!"

  Harry grinned and looked at Hermione, "Today is going to be a very good day."

Double Post Friday!
I hope you're enjoying the story so far, I've been very excited to explore the post-Voldemort world.
I'm trying to keep Author's notes to a minimum at the moment.

Until Next Time,

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