Weasley to the Rescue

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  The next day, Harry was still sitting exactly where he had been yesterday. And the day before that. And the day before that. He knew he needed to get up, Christmas was just a week away, and he had things to do and presents to buy, but he couldn't move from his chair. He spent every hour of every day replaying that night in his mind, and it just made it harder to move. 

  There was a knock on the door that rattled Harry from his stupor. 

 "Kreacher, could you get the door? I'm not sure who it could be, but it may be someone from the Order."

  "Yes, master, happily. I will bring them to you."

  Harry heard Kreacher open the door and speak with someone, actually, it sounded like multiple people. He heard Kreacher taking their coats before leading them to the room. Soon Kreacher entered the room followed by Ginny, George, and lastly... Ron. Ginny's face turned from nervous to worried as she found Harry slumped in his chair. It was clear he had not eaten for the past few days, and she was fairly sure that those were the same clothes he had worn on the train a few days prior. 

  Ron was subdued, obviously nervous about approaching Harry considering the last time he had seen him, Hermione was kissing him. His hands were buried deep in his pockets, something he often did when he was uncomfortable.

  "Harry, are you alright?" Ginny asked.

  "Yeah, I'm fine, what brings you guys by?"

  This time George spoke up, 'We got a letter this morning from Kreacher. He was very worried about you and asked that some of us come and check on you, try to cheer you up a bit mate."

  Harry looked at Kreacher who was hidden in the corner, afraid Harry was going to be angry at him. Harry took a moment.

  "Kreacher, come here."

  Kreacher bowed low as he approached.

  "Kreacher, do not be afraid. Thank you for your concern, and your initiative to assist me. It is safe to say, a few years ago you would not have done so, and I am truly appreciative. Would you prepare a stew for our guests while I speak to them in here?"

  Kreacher appeared relieved, "Yes, master." He disappeared with a loud crack.

  "Please, please sit with me, warm yourselves by the fire," Harry said as he motioned to the other seats.  

  Ron was still hiding by the door, ready to escape at a moment's notice.

  "Ron, I'm glad to see you."

  "Me too mate, but I was, I am, a little scared. I realize you may not believe me, but I had no idea what she was going to do, she came out of nowhere and surprised me. And- and I should have stopped, I should have pushed her away, I was just caught off-guard. I promise I haven't tried to steal her from you."

  "It's okay Ron, I believe you. I don't know what has gotten into her, but I didn't really think you were involved, she was trying to break up with me, and I didn't believe her, so she did what she thought was the best way to hurt me, and it worked."

  Ginny held his hand as he explained to them what had happened that night, and Ron looked relieved as he sat across from George. He had worked so hard to be friends with Harry again, he didn't want to lose that friendship.

  Once Harry had finished, the four sat in silence, digesting everything he had revealed to them. Ginny was still holding his hand, watching as he stared into space. Finally, George spoke up.

 "I don't know mate, it doesn't make sense, but she also went to great lengths to make sure you separated. I mean bloody hell; she went so far as to snog Ron. I would have rather snogged Voldemort," he said with a big grin. Everyone, including Ron, laughed, and it seemed as though a dam broke. Soon they were all crying from laughter, Harry had fallen to the floor and was rolling with laughter. He felt his sadness ebb away for a few moments. 

  Once they had settled down and returned to their seats, Kreacher entered the room to inform them that the stew was now ready for a midday meal. They all rose and followed Harry to the dining room where they found a large black pot full to the brim, filling the room with the smells of tender beef, soft potatoes, and a sprinkling of salt and other seasonings.  As they filled their bowls and sat, Harry flicked his wand and several bottles of butterbeer flew across the room and landed in front of each person. 

  They sat and ate, sharing plans for the holidays, and hopes for gifts. Once he started eating, Harry realized just how hungry he was, having not really eaten for several days. He ended up eating three bowls of the stew before finally pushing his bowl away. Being able to eat and talk with the Weasley siblings helped to keep the events of the past few days from his mind. Being with them was a fresh reminder that no matter what had happened in the past, this was his family. Yes, they had their battles and fights, but this family had taken him in at 11 and introduced him to magic, what a family should look like, and shown him, love. He felt at home with them more than anyone else in the world, outside Hermione. At that, his mind began to pull away again.

  However, before it could get too far, Ginny noticed this and immediately brought him back to reality. "Harry, why don't you come to the Burrow for a few days? I don't think it's a good idea for you to be alone right now. You could probably stay in George's old room."

  Harry hesitated, unsure, he really didn't want to be a bother.

  "C'mon, it will be like old times, you don't have to stay for a week, but just a few days to get back on your feet. We can talk and you can play wizard chess with Ron. Please?"

  It took one look at Ginny, and he was sold.

  "Okay, Okay, I'll come with you guys." He finally relented.

  "Good." She said with a smile. "Okay, how about Ron and George go on back and let Mom and Dad know? You need a shower and a shave and for sure a fresh pair of clothes." She mentioned the last part with a cheeky grin. 

  A few moments later, they were saying goodbye to Ron and George who stepped onto the porch before apparating away. When they returned to the kitchen, Kreacher had already cleared the table. Harry explained that he was going to freshen up and then would be gone a few days, but not to worry. 

  As they left the kitchen, Harry asked Ginny to pack some clothes for him while he showered. He had transformed the master bedroom into his own, redoing the paint and bed sheets. He had also added some new decorations, making it clear a Gryffindor lived here now instead of a Pure Blood Slytherin. He stepped into the En Suite as Ginny rustled through his drawers searching for some clothes. 

  He took his time under the steaming hot water, trying to allow the water to wash away the memories of the past few days. Once he had finished, he quickly shaved and wrapped a towel around his waist. He stepped into his room just as Ginny finished packing his bag. She looked up before averting her eyes. 

  "Whoa," she said breathlessly, her face growing hot at the sight of a shirtless Harry.

  "Sorry, I didn't realize you were still in here."

  'No, no it's okay, I just didn't expect that." She said with a nervous chuckle, "I'll let you get dressed." 

  Ginny left the room quickly and Harry found the shirt and jeans she had left out for him. He dressed as fast as he could. He pulled the comb through his wet hair once before picking up the bag and rushing down the stairs to meet Ginny.

  As Harry locked and closed the door, he grabbed Ginny's hand and glanced at her quickly, before apparating away.

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