A Letter

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The rays of the sun glistened and bounced off the water. The waves crashed into the shore, spreading a sense of calm through Hermione, even if just for a moment. Since rescuing her parents from Australia and restoring their memories, Hermione had been trying to spend as much time as possible with them. So, for Christmas this year, they had decided to visit France and have Christmas at the Beach. But truthfully, she was present more in body than in mind.

She had been a wreck emotionally since she broke up with Harry. It had destroyed her in ways she hadn't imagined. Of course, she hadn't imagined having to snog Ron either, but she had to push him away, for his own sake. Better him have a broken heart than dead.

She dreaded the inevitable return to Hogwarts. Obviously, it would be awkward. But she still loved Harry and wanted desperately to be with him.  

But that had only been the beginning.

Three days into her Christmas break, she had received an owl from James Rabnott.

In essence, it was demanding she make a house call on Christmas Eve. That was still two days from now. She honestly didn't know what she was going to do. Maybe, this time she would have the element of surprise, and she could take him out. After all, he was just a fourth year, and after the past two years, she could handle anything, especially a fourth year.

  Two days later, she had made her decision. She told her parents she was going to visit some friends but would be back tomorrow. She packed an extra set of clothes as well as some other essentials into her enchanted go bag and apparated to the address James had written in the letter. She stood at the end of a long driveway that led to a large manor on the top of a hill. As she looked around, she could see similar expensive-looking manors in the surrounding area, but all well distanced from each other, giving a sense of privacy. 

  Hermione quickly cast a Disillusionment charm around herself, blending into the colors around her. Suddenly she could see through her body, making it as though she was not there. She drew her wand, prepared to immediately cast a shield charm. She walked slowly up the hill, examining every inch of the exterior and surrounding areas. James had already proven to be sneaky and adept at stealth. 

  As she reached the door, she peered through the windows. She was looking into what appeared to be a living room, with two older adults watching the television, his parents. She stood at the door, trying to find the appropriate way to enter the house, but eventually settled on knocking. 

  She rapped on the door twice before stepping back, still disillusioned, and waited. James opened the door with a wide grin on his face, his parents a few feet behind him, their faces blank. His grin morphed into a face of confusion as he looked straight through Hermione before a loud noise struck him in the face, stunning him. 

  James toppled over, face first. Hermione dropped her charm as he fell and reached down to pick James up. Just as her hand tugged on his shirt, her nose was pushed back into her face as a body slammed into her. James' father had tackled her! Just as quickly, his mother grabbed her wand and held it to her face as his father grabbed her and slapped her.

  Her face exploded once again in pain. She could feel her nose bleeding, and blood flowing into her mouth. Her right eye would not open, it was swollen shut. He picked her up and bound her hands with rope behind her back. He stuffed a piece of cloth into her mouth and carried her into the living room, setting her on the couch. 

  A few minutes passed in silence, James' parents moving around Hermione as they brought James into the house, closed the curtains, and tried to wake James up. Finally, he woke up and began to shake the grogginess away. When he was fully come to, he looked over at Hermione, his smug grin on full display. 

  "So, you thought you could just barge in here, stun me, and solve the issue? It was a nice try, but sadly it didn't work. As you know, I have a certain affinity for the Imperius Curse, and I thought I would practice while I was away on vacation. 

  Now, I'm sure you're asking yourself, 'how come the Ministry hasn't questioned me about using magic underage? What about the Trace?'. Well, turns out, I did some digging and while Voldemort was in power, the Ministry did away with the Trace. Instead, the opted for the taboo on Voldemort's name. Funnily enough, the Ministry hasn't reinstated it yet, so I am free to do whatever magic I please until then." 

  At this point, Hermione was beginning to panic. She no longer had her wand, she was bound, James was awake again, could do magic, and had cursed his parents into doing his bidding. she was outnumbered and now unarmed. She was just going to have to survive.

  "So, listen, I'm not mad that you stunned me. Honestly, it's super hot, I love it when you fight back. But I think it's about time we went on a date. So, here is what I've done. I went into the local town, and I "convinced" a young muggle girl to accompany me back here. Currently, she is tied up in the basement. I do love the Cruciatus Curse, so, I can get her quickly and demonstrate on her, or we can go to London and enjoy a nice lunch, what say you?"


Really sorry I missed last week; I just needed another week to finish this chapter. Also, yes, the last chapter is still on a cliffhanger, I thought it was high time we checked in on Hermione. 

  Several people have expressed worry that this is becoming a Hinny (Harry/Ginny) story. All I have to say to you is: wait. I promise everything will come together. What is a story without drama? Plus, don't forget, we are still dealing with teenagers here......

As always, feel free to comment and share any thoughts, concerns, or ideas!

I hope you enjoyed!

Until Next Time,

- JRich

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