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As May rolled around, so did Exams. All the Seventh Years, including Hermione began yearning for the day when they would be finished with the tests, books, and homework. But that day was still two weeks away.

Despite the stress, frustration, and difficulty of the last few months, Hermione was sure she was going to ace her finals and had already begun hearing from the Ministry of Magic about potential job offers following graduation.

Following the events of that night, there had been no funeral. There was a brief mention once the investigation was completed. They had interrogated Hermione for several hours, and finally after a few weeks of investigation and going over the timeline and facts with other witnesses several times, she was cleared of all charges. That didn't mean Hermione wasn't still suffering in some ways. The memories of the past few months, plus the effects of killing a person had burrowed into her mind, and she was certain they would never leave. Time would go on, and she would move forward, but she would never be the same.

She sat alone at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall, eating dinner. She was almost done by the time he sat down.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"Better today, it was busy, so that kept my mind off of things."

"That's good to hear. I still feel like I haven't thanked you enough."

"You thank me every day!" She said with a grin and a giggle.

"Yeah, but you saved my life! I should be thanking you twice a day."

"Well, I couldn't kill you, who would I use for a shield?" She winked after the last word, "I'm serious Harry, there was no way I was killing you; I don't care what spell he used."

Harry smiled and kissed her cheek. "That's why I love you. Although it would have made my life a lot easier, I still have three exams I have to do well on if I have any chance at all of becoming an Auror."

Hermione rolled her eyes, "Please, they already offered you a job before 7th year, they aren't going to reject the person who killed Voldemort, you could fail all of your exams and still get the job."

"I know, but I want to do it legit, I want to do it the right way. No special treatment."

"I am glad to hear that. Maybe you have grown up a little bit in the past few years."

"Only a tad. I have a meeting with McGonagall today, I think she's going to offer me a position at the school."

"If she offered Defense against the Dark Arts, would you take it?"

Harry sat in silence for a moment, staring into space.

Slowly, he answered, "I don't know. This has been the only true home I've ever known; it is extremely hard to imagine myself not being here. At the same time, I want a chance to explore the magical world outside Hogwarts a bit. Despite all our travels while hunting for Horcruxes, we didn't get to explore and see the world. We focused on survival."

Hermione nodded in understanding. Neither of them was certain of their futures, but they were sure of one thing, they would face it together.

Exams came and went. They had already received results, and as expected, Hermione had gotten the top marks of the class, easily getting an ace on each one. Harry and Ron both did well enough to pass, and both had received mail to begin interviews with the Auror's Department in a month's time. Ginny had done extremely well, coming second to only Hermione in the class, having shown herself to be extremely talented in Charms and Defense Against the Dark Arts, and able to handle herself well in Transfiguration and Potions. However, she was quickly building a name for herself as a Quidditch player, having been in contact with numerous professional Quidditch teams. Everyone was spending their time outside; enjoying the warm weather and the sights and sounds of the castle they had called home for the past years.

Graduation Day was upon us. The 7th years all put on their dress robes, colored with their house colors, and made their way to the courtyard. The sun was shining, there was a light breeze, and the weather could not be better. Families had gathered to celebrate the graduates, including the Weasley's who were celebrating two of their children, as well as Harry and Hermione.

Headmistress McGonagall approached the podium.

"We have reached the day that I am sure all of you have dreamed about at one point or another, and the day that I join you in your celebrations, but with a heavy heart. Every year another group of students leave this school and go on to do remarkable things, and my greatest blessing is to watch them grow up, show them how not only to be great wizards and witches, but how to be great people, and every year on this day, I get to see a small fulfillment of that greatness.

This year is certainly special. For one, I am residing over the celebrations. Number two, we did not have a graduation last year, and we all know why. This class has survived one of the most traumatizing events in wizarding history and lived to tell the tale. This is the class of Voldemort's death, the class of Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger, and certainly, Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived, multiple times might I add. It is no small joy to see what you have already done before leaving these walls. However, this is also the year of many others like Ginny Weasley, Neville Longbottom, and many, many other incredibly talented students.

I have one request. Do not allow this to be your greatest achievement, your greatest day. Use the abilities and the powers we have shown you to do far greater things than graduate school. Change the World, for the better. Make us proud."

As she finished speaking, she wiped tears away, and she was not the only one.

One by one, she called the names of each graduate, and they came and received their certificate. To Harry it seemed far too slow, and at the same time, far too fast. His name was called, and time slowed as he walked up, hugged the Headmistress, took his paper, and returned to his seat next to Hermione, Ginny, Ron, Neville, and Luna.

Following the Ceremony, there was a large feast in the Grand Hall, followed by hours of partying. At Sunset, Harry grabbed Hermione and led her to the Astronomy Tower, the same one he had watched Albus Dumbledore fall from, and looked out at the landscape in silence. The lake, the hills, the leaves, the trees, all gleaming in the golden light of the setting sun. And there, in the most beautiful place he had ever seen, he lowered himself to one knee and presented Hermione with a ring.

She smiled, she cried, she nodded, and hugged the love of her life. In the next moments, he promised to love her forever and told her of his plans for the Potter's home in Godric's Hollow. They may not know the future, but they know they will always have each other.



How I have loved this story, and how I've loved writing it, even if at times I followed it more than I wrote it. I hope you all have loved it as much as I have. I hope I have done the ending the justice it deserves, if I haven't, forgive me.

I admit, my original plans were for this story to be a trilogy. However, life has changed a lot in the 2-3 years since I began writing this story, never imagining it would span that long. I don't want to say I will never write that third part, but if I do, I want to do it differently, writing it completely before releasing any of it.

It hurts to put the pen down, even if it is temporary, but it is for the best.

As of right now, this is the end of the story. For now, we can only imagine what happens to our dear heroes.

I hope you have enjoyed our journey, as much as I have.

Until Next Time,


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