The First Match

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"That's better" James remarked with a smirk. "I'm sorry that it has to be this way, but soon, I hope eventually, we will meet without this spell being necessary. I believe the more I use it on you, the more you will come to naturally like me and need to be around me."
Hermione stood enchanted, unable to move or see the issue with the situation, her discomfort forgotten behind a veil of magical bliss. All of this sounded fine to her, why wouldn't it?
"I don't think I can wait another two weeks to see you again. I don't know when our next meeting will be, but it will be soon, and you will know when. Until next time, my love"
James slipped out the door before releasing the spell.
Hermione looked around, confused as to how she got there.

Harry and Ginny walked in silence throughout the halls of the castle. As they walked the second floor, James Rabnott walked by them hurriedly, avoiding eye contact with Harry. Harry looked at Ginny for a second before beginning.
"I owe you an apology."
Ginny looked at him sideways, but remained silent.
"You were right, I have been pushing myself and the team way too hard. We are better than I anticipated, and I really want to win this year, but that's not the sole reason. Ever since Voldemort died, I've had some issues. Call it PTSD or whatever but mentally, I'm damaged. Being back at the castle again, coupled with everyone we lost, it's been weighing on my mind for a while, but I didn't want to think about it or risk having to deal with it, so I just kept working so I was always busy. You called me out, and you were right. I'm sorry I didn't listen to you, and that I was a jerk."
Ginny grinned at him, "Its okay, I knew you would figure it out eventually. I'm always going to look out for you Harry."
They both stopped and turned towards each other, their eyes meeting. Harry searched them, and found what he was hoping.
"Things have been really rough between us for a while now. Even before I left to fight, we had grown far apart. We both bear blame for that. I was still angry at what happened between us, but I'm not anymore."
Ginny nodded in understanding. "We both loved each other, and I don't regret our relationship, just the part I played in the ending of that relationship."
"We are both very different people from when that happened. I still love you Ginny, but in a very different way now. I've been thinking about your family a lot as of late, and I realized how important all of you are to me. You guys are my real family, and I love you Ginny, but not romantically anymore but as a sister and a best friend. I hope you understand that I still need you in my life, and I want us to finally move on from our past mistakes."
"I would love that Harry."
They leaned in and shared a heartfelt hug, each feeling years of anxiety, frustration, and guilt melt away.
"We should probably get back to the Common Room now." Ginny said.
"For sure."

They returned to find Ron sitting in front of the fireplace. Harry asked if they could play a match of chess, to which Ron agreed hastily. They hadn't played in forever. Ginny spread out on the sofa, watching as Ron began to systematically tear down Harry's side, giggling at the curses each would utter when a piece was captured. Just as Harry's King was put in check by Ron's Queen, Hermione burst into the Common Room. She strode over to the group quickly.
  "You're okay." Hermione said with a great sigh.
  "Yeah..... I've been fine for a few hours Hermione, you were with me." Harry responded confused.
  "I remember going to the Medical Wing, and talking, and then everything goes blank."
  "You stood up really fast and said you needed to go to the library."
  Hermione stood in silence, pondering what was happening to her.
  "You must be tired, it's been a busy weekend. How about we all get to bed, tomorrow is Friday and then we have the first quidditch match of the year against Ravenclaw." Harry said reassuringly.
  They all agreed and went their separate ways. Harry gratefully changed into his bed robes and fell into his bed, falling asleep within minutes.

Friday was difficult as he had an exam in Transfiguration and Defense Against the Dark Arts. He had to turn a frog into a bed, and while he was able to do it, he messed up on the first try and turned the frog into a sofa. He quickly reverted it and successfully turned it into a bed, still earning respectable marks. Hermione however did it on her first try as expected.
  The next exam in Defense Against the Dark Arts was a written paper on the dangers of various dark creatures throughout Scotland. Harry finished the paper in 20 minutes and easily got the highest score in the class, beating Hermione by two points, which he proceeded to point out every few minutes.

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