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His stay at the Burrow came and went quickly. On his final day, he announced that he would be visiting London and Diagon Alley to do some Christmas shopping. Ginny volunteered to join him, but Ron decided to remain behind. After a quick breakfast, Harry, and Ginny traveled to the Leaky Cauldron via floo powder. They spent a few moments shaking hands with those inside. Since Voldemort's defeat, he was getting a similar treatment to when he had first entered the Wizarding World.

They spent hours exploring Diagon Alley, going in and out of each shop trying different things, and asking each other if someone they knew wanted a certain object. Harry was able to really enjoy Christmas shopping this year. Last year there had been no Christmas shopping, really no Christmas as they were out in the wild, fighting Voldemort. In fact, they had hardly been aware of Christmas at all.

Harry was determined to make the most of this Christmas, buying lots and lots of gifts for everyone. However, it was not only the shopping that was bringing him joy.

He had forgotten what it was like to be around Ginny all the time. Her presence was intoxicating. She had always been fierce, but she was different now. He had seen up close and personal what kind of person she was, how passionately she loved, and how fiercely she protected. But now she exuded a confidence that had not been present a few years ago. Just being around her was enough to make you think she could walk through walls, and you could too.

And yet, she was also kind, compassionate, and humble. Yes, she was confident, but she never viewed herself as better than anyone. She was always willing to roll up her sleeves and get dirty, especially to help someone.

Finally, Harry bought them both an ice cream cone and they sat in the Leaky Cauldron, talking while they ate their ice cream. Harry had always wondered, but now was the time to ask.

"Ginny, did Dean really use a love potion on you?"

Ginny looked at Harry sheepishly for a moment, "At first he did. It was around the first or second week of your sixth year, my fifth. If you remember, George and Fred had started making them and selling them, and a lot of girls bought them, but so did Dean. He slipped it in my drink at dinner one night and met me in the prefect's bathroom.

After that, he used that time to blackmail me into continuing to see him occasionally. The night you found us, that horrible night, he was waiting on me outside the locker room, and he told me if I didn't go with him, he was going to tell you all about it. So, I went, and we found that classroom, and then you found us."

Harry swallowed, "I've wanted to ask that for years. I was so crushed, so broken in that moment, I couldn't think straight. Now, History has repeated itself."

"There's a quote, it says 'History sighs, and repeats itself'. I don't know what's happening with Hermione, I've seen the way she looks at you, I know how she feels about you. Maybe just give her some space and time."

Harry smiled weakly at Ginny for a moment. Harry looked around at their bags.

"We should probably head back; I need to get my stuff back to Number 12 Grimmauld Place."

They picked up everything they had bought that day and stepped outside. Ginny took Harry's hand, the world began to swirl into darkness, and the next moment they were outside of the burrow. They went inside, Harry going to his room to pack, Ginny going to the kitchen. It took Harry longer than he expected to fit all his purchases into his enchanted trunk, so that by the time he finished, dinner was ready, and he was expected to stay and eat, and so he did.

They sat once more around the large table that was full of food. They ate as much as possible and talked loudly, reminiscing on past holidays and old friends. Eventually they had all eaten their fill, and the sun had sunk below the horizon, prompting Harry to finally stand and exit. However, before he could reach the stairs Ginny joined him and insisted on assisting Harry as he returned his stuff to Number 12.

Once they had grabbed the trunk and returned downstairs, Harry wished everyone a goodnight and promised to return Christmas Day. He and Ginny walked to the edge of the property and once more spun into the void before appearing on the doorstep of Number 12. They walked through the door and slowly up the stairs, careful not to drop the trunk.

They set it down in the corner of his master bedroom. As he unpacked his clothes and set them in their drawers, Ginny took some time to look around at the room he had created. It represented his well, featuring quidditch and Gryffindor posters, and photos of his friends and family, including one of his parents.

Once Harry had finished unpacking, she walked back over to him. "You've done a nice job cleaning this place up and making it more like you than the Black Family's." She said with a grin.


They stood in silence for a moment, looking at each other. Ginny took another step forward.

"Well," Harry said, "You should probably head back, they'll probably be waiting for you."

"Maybe, maybe not," Ginny responded, "But, you should know, I haven't stopped thinking about you. I can't get you out of my head."

She stepped forward and her lips met his. It was a light, gentle kiss. She pulled back for a moment, looking into his eyes, searching for a reaction. What she saw drove her over the edge. He reached down and placed his hands on her hips while he reconnected their lips. This kiss had heat, a passion to it. She reached up and ran her hands through his hair. The air was electric with desire.

As she deepened the kiss, Harry picked her up, Ginny wrapping her legs around his body, and carried her to his bed. He broke the kiss as he laid her down on the bed. He leaned down and found her lips again, his body pressing her against the bed as their hands and tongues explored.


Well.... that happened 🥵🥵.

As always, please feel free to comment with any thoughts, opinions, or ideas. It has been great seeing some interaction in the past few chapters, I love seeing my readers reacting to the story!

I really hope you've enjoyed the past few chapters! I know we are all here to see Harry and Hermione, but I think we all saw this coming.

Until Next Time,


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