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  The sweat ran off his face and dripped onto the floor.  Quidditch practice had just ended, and he was standing outside the showers. It was the end of the first week in October, the third week of Quidditch practices. He had a solid team featuring Ginny as his star chaser along with Dean Thomas and Demelza Robins. Jimmy Peakes and Ritchie Coote had returned as his beaters, and of course, Ron was his keeper. He was working them hard, possibly a little too hard, but it hadn't occurred to him yet. He had never felt better than he had the past few weeks, working tirelessly in private training and in quidditch practices, where he would work for another two hours outside of regular quidditch practice.

Harry stepped into the shower and let the water hit his head, cascading down his back. The water was boiling hot, perfect after another tough Quidditch practice. As he stood under the stream, he allowed his mind to wander briefly.  Tomorrow was the first Hogsmeade weekend and Harry had planned a romantic day for him and Hermione. He had been able to visit the Three Broomsticks a few days earlier (being Head Boy had its perks) and reserved a corner booth for them. He had promised to focus on their romance more this year, and he was trying to do just that. As he had transitioned from the war to his seventh year, he had begun putting a lot of thought into the future, something he had never really done before.

He was not yet ready to even think about marriage, much less seriously consider it. However, he knew that he wanted Hermione to be by his side. He already knew she was the one, the only one, for him. Tomorrow would be the first step in cementing that.

Harry stepped out of the shower and dried off as fast as he could. It was already very dark, and he needed to return to the castle. He quietly entered the castle, ascended the stairs, and entered his private quarters. Hermione was no doubt still in the library, but he decided not to bother her. He changed into his bedclothes and gratefully lowered himself into his bed. In less than two minutes he had given in to sleep's grasp.

The sun shone brightly through the windows, waking Harry from his sleep. He groggily opened his eyes and stretched. After blinking his eyes a few times, he rolled out of bed and walked over to the bathroom. He threw some icy water on his face. Today was going to be big, and he had to start off right.

After a cool shower, he dressed and knocked on Hermione's door. After a moment, she appeared with a large smile, and her hair pulled back into a ponytail. She shut the door behind her, and they set off for the Great Hall. After a quick breakfast, they joined the line of students itching to depart for Hogsmeade. Professor Flitwick checked them off the list and ushered them towards the path. It was a beautiful fall day; the sun was out, and the leaves were changing color. There was a slight October chill to the air, not frigid, but enough for some type of hoodie or pullover.

They walked, hand-in-hand, making small talk. They felt slightly guilty for abandoning Ron, but they had been hoping for some alone time for a while.

Soon after, the thatched roofs of Hogsmeade rose above the tree line. They entered the tiny town, happy to be together. They entered Tomes and Scrolls, letting Hermione examine a few books for her Ancient Runes class. After another fifteen minutes of looking, they left and walked to Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop. Harry bought a self-correcting quill to help with spelling in his papers and other homework assignments. While Hermione didn't entirely approve the idea behind the self-correcting quill, she also understood it's benefits, including more quality time with Harry, and less work for her.

  They left the store and Harry practically dragged Hermione to the Three Broomsticks. There she discovered that Harry had reserved them a corner booth, hidden from the rest of the restaurant. He had also arranged to have a bouquet of roses placed in a vase waiting for them at their table. Candles were lit, and an expensive bottle of champagne was in a ice bucket. They both sat down, Hermione amazed at everything Harry had done.

They had a wonderful afternoon eating wonderful food, and spending time together in conversation. As Hermione walked towards the library she reflected on the amazing afternoon. It was truly special, something she wasn't sure they had ever shared before. They had been able to really reconnect and get on the same page. She also believed it was a stepping stone to future plans, but knew it was still a little early for that. Not that she didn't love Harry, she did, but she had lots of plans, many of things she wanted to do, and wasn't sure she was ready to settle down in the near future. But, things were great with Harry right now, and she didn't plan to change that anytime soon.

Hermione arrived at the library and distractedly began working her way to the restricted section, as she did at least twice a week. She didn't even notice that the library was almost completely empty.

Harry was sitting in the common room, playing Wizard Chess with Ron. The portrait hole opened up, and the youngest Weasley walked into the common room.

Suddenly, a small voice broke into Hermione's headspace and she was very alert of her unusual surroundings.

"Harry" Ginny tapped on his shoulder and lead him to the corner. "We need to talk."

A wand appeared out of the corner and the voice whispered "Imperio." Hermione's mind went blank.

Sorry for the unannounced hiatus, hopefully posts will be more consistent for the near future.

Hope you enjoyed!
Until Next Time,

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