Defense Against the Dark Arts

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If Harry's last year was anything like his first day, he wasn't sure he was going to make it through the first semester. Today he had Potions, Transfiguration, and Defense Against the Dark Arts (DATDA), while tomorrow he would have Herbology and Charms. He had survived Potions and Transfiguration, but he had already been assigned two essays that had to be 5 pages long and had to be able to transfigure a toad into a couch by Friday.

He had a free period before Defense Against the Dark Arts and was planning on taking a nap. His head hurt and his whole body felt tired. He entered to see his favorite spot on the couch open and quickly laid down on it.

He had just closed his eyes when he felt a tap on his shoes, which turned out to be Ron trying to move his feet. He reluctantly moved them to the floor as Ron sat down. Once again, the Golden Trio was in almost all the same classes. Hermione had a few extra classes, but she had was in all of Harry and Ron's classes as well. He was sure she was in the library right now, getting a load of books while also devising a schedule for each of them. He did appreciate her, and he would desperately need her help this year if he was going to survive, he just wasn't looking forward to all the homework and studying he was going to have to do.

  He closed his eyes, and it seemed but only a moment and Ron was shaking him awake for DATDA. They grabbed their bags and grudgingly walked towards the staircases.

  The room was dark and eerie as they entered, and Harry pleaded that this was not an omen of the way class would go this semester. Hermione hurried into the seat beside him just as class was about to start, panting loudly. However, the professor did not show up for another 5 minutes. The class began to grow restless; a teacher hadn't been late in as long as they could remember.

  Finally, Ramon Fauns, entered the room, "So sorry, I'm new to being a teacher and completely forgot about this class. Luckily, I awoke a few moments ago and remembered. Right, hello, I'm Roman Fauns although you may call me Professor Fauns. Seeing as I am a brand-new teacher, I feel it best to begin by having a bit of an introduction to each other and the class itself.
I have been a part of the Auror's department in the Ministry of Magic for 12 years now. I have been a part of 5 different administrations including Ministers Bagnold, Fudge, Scrimgeour, Thicknesse, and most recently Shacklebolt until the Headmistress asked me to take this position. While I never reached the position of Head Auror, I have been a loyal Lieutenant to 3 different Head Aurors and consider myself well versed in the Ministry and Defense Against the Dark Arts. It is my understanding that many in this class are considering joining the Ministry in some capacity, especially the Auror Department, which is why I have been brought in.

    You have had a very inconsistent path in this class with strong teaching from your teachers in the first, third, and sixth year, while in the others having a very questionable education. I hope that I will be able to give you a firm finish to your education and give many of you the advice and counsel you need to reach the next level.

    The first bit of class will be devoted towards pure theory, understanding the reasoning of defense spells, and what you should know to this point. Once we move closer to the second term, we will begin a more practical approach, seeing the full scope of your abilities. I should warn you, there is still evil in the world, and you should prepare for that evil."

    Once class was over, the professor called Harry to his desk.

    "Mr. Potter, it is nice to finally meet you." The professor began, extending his hand.

    Harry shook the man's hand as he replied, "Thank you, sir, it's nice to meet you too, I look forward to learning under you."

    "I as well. I just wanted to give you a fair warning. I have been told of your abilities, and the impression I have been given by others is that you are by far the most talented student in this subject in this class. I will be treating you as such and be pushing you to be your best self. I will be here to advise, counsel, and help in any way I can, but I will not stand in awe and allow you to slack off in any way. You are here to learn, I am here to teach, and I intend to do that."

    Harry nodded, "Yes sir, of course."

    "Thank you, you may go now."

    Harry and Hermione were sitting in the library having just finished dinner with Ron who had returned to the common room to play chess. Hermione was looking over the first of Harry's essays making small notes and edits. He greatly appreciated her doing this, having written the paper himself. He hadn't realized how much he missed her until a few minutes ago. Since the end of the war, they hadn't spent quality time together. Even back when they originally set off by themselves, they didn't spend quality time together, they just tried to survive. Since Voldemort died, Harry had a breakdown, Hermione went to find her parents, they endured funerals and tears. This felt like the first time in forever they had sat down and just enjoyed their presence.

Hermione looked up and found Harry staring at her, appearing lost.

    "Why are you staring at me? Do I have something on my face?" she asked quickly.

    'No," Harry said with a laugh, "You're just really pretty. I feel like we haven't done anything together lately. Life has just been so hectic; we haven't been like boyfriend or girlfriend. I want our last year together at Hogwarts to be amazing in every way, which includes romantically."

    "I think that sounds wonderful."

    Hermione leaned in and gave Harry a light kiss on the lips.

    "But first," she said as she leaned back, "What did you think about Professor Fauns?"

    "We had a talk after class, basically telling me not to expect special treatment, which I never did. He has a lot of experience and can be very good, but also strict. We will see, he could be like Lupin. I still want to begin training in private on my own, you know?"

    "That sounds good. How about tomorrow, after charms, we check out the Room of Requirement? I want to train as well. Until then, what was it you said about romance?"

    Harry grinned and pulled Hermione into his lap, locking lips with her. Her arms went around his body and his hands began playing with her hair. Just as the kiss began to heat up, they heard a small cough and looked up. Madam Pince, the Librarian, was glaring at the two. Hermione sheepishly climbed off Harry and began reading again. Once she had left, Harry and Hermione laughed quietly and began working on the second paper.

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