iv. comfort

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I started to bawl when he left. I hadn't even locked my door. A few minutes later (it could have been hours) I heard the door rattling, a few curses and a giggle. My eyes widened in surprise as a quiet swear tumbled out of my mouth and I quickly jumped up and closed my door, and pretended to be asleep.

"Heya darlin'." I heard Minx say from the kitchen, I didn't respond.
"Y/N?" Minx called out again, they were both aware of my anxiety attacks, so they were always cautious with me.

-'Let's go look for them' Nikis voice said softly.
-"No, I'm alright" I shouted from my bed, my voice cracking slightly from the tears, "I'm just a little tired."

After hearing my voice cracking, Minx fiddled with the  doorknob, while Niki tried to convince me to let her in.
Eventually Minx ended up opening the door and Niki rushed in wrapping her arms around my ball like figure, Minx walked in calmly while cracking her knuckles

-'So which dumb F_ck, made you cry?' She said threateningly, a scowl decorating her features

Instead of responding I just burrowed my head in Nikis shoulder as she rubbed circles into my back.

-"I'm fine..." I responded "...I just lost a best friend, who I had a small crush on" I muttered the last part
-"George?" Niki asked taking my head off of her shoulder.

I just muttered a uh-huh and buried my head back into Nikis shoulder.

-'Do you want me to kill him?' Minx said jokingly 'Because I totally will' her Irish accent shining through.

All I could do was giggle slightly and shake my head.

-"It's okay, I'll just grab a glass of water and go to sleep." I said.
-'Okay Button, sleep well" Niki said booping me on the nose and giving me a hug. Then they left the room and shut the door.
-'Can I still kill that F*ck*r?'
-"NO" I said through the the door.
-'Fine, fine...' her accent lessening.

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