x. this feels like...

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After we all finished eating and drinking, I went over to Technoblade to pay.

-'So Y/N, nice to see you again' he said as his calm smile turned into a smirk.
-'Morning B*tch' Tommy said from beside Technoblade.
-"You too Technoblade" I said, ignoring Tommy.

He gasped and when on a rant about not ignoring the manliest man, while I payed. Then I heard the bell ring and after a second a familiar "Oh F*ck." I quickly looked over and saw my older brother, pushing out two unknown figures.

-"Hey Pandas" I called out smiling.
-'Blade, Wilby, I'm clocking out" I heard from the British child.

When I got no response from him, I was a little irritated as my smile turned to a frown, who wouldn't answer their sibling that made them cupcakes.

-"Hey Techno, can I pay in a little bit?, I'll be back"
-'Of course?' He asked, his deep voice becoming slightly more questioning.
-"Thanks Love" I said impulsively, as I started walking towards Sapnap, now noticing the two figures were his two roommates.

    His head quickly snapped towards us and told the two, George and Dream, something we couldn't hear and they left, then he started to walk over to us. I stopped walking before I crashed into him and he put his arm around my shoulder, eyeing up Technoblade protectively. I could feel myself visibly cringe as I was super uncomfortable and tried to peel his arm off my shoulder

-'Soo~ Button' he said, his attitude changing from protective to cheerful 'Why did you call Technoblade, love?' His eyes narrowing at Technoblade.
-"Well-, Uhmmm- I don't really kno-" I responded before I was cut off.
-'Why do you need to know Nicolas?' Techno said glaring slightly at him, taking off his apron while walking towards us, 'who are you, their brother?'
-'Actually I am' Sapnap said as he moved closer to him.

After a minute of awkward silence I said the first thing that popped into my mind.

-"This feels like a cringy wattpad fanfic" I said randomly, while I watched Tommy awkwardly scoot away from the Cafe.
-'It does, doesn't it' Minx appeared next to me still drinking her coffee.

Niki quickly appeared next to me sipping her Macciato while chomping on a macaroon. She quickly nodded before taking a small sip.

-"Well... Techno, can I pay now?"
-'Of course!' He said slightly smiling at me.

I walked over to the counter making cute conversation about dogs, as I watched Nick go out and collect his two roommates.

-'So... your total will be 19.75$' he said clearly 'but if you add the employee discount it's 25% off' he muttered slightly 'Actually it's 14.82$!' He said smiling.
-"Here!" I said handing him the money, "And thanks for the employees discount" I said as I walked out the door with my roommates and cat.

Thank you saItymint for being a voter.
Your awesome!!!

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