v. you did what?...

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𝙽𝚒𝚌𝚔 𝙿𝚘𝚅

Everyone had left 30 minutes ago and me and Dream were tidying up, such as many games of beer pong and liquor bottles, when George stumbled in, in a sort of depressed drunken stupor.
Dream put down his sh_t and immediately went over to help, as I wondered why everyone left so many red cups. On. Every. Single. Table. Then I started to wipe down a table.

Then I heard a few words:

My body whipped around as I dropped the towel on the table.

-"You did WHAT?" I said, shouting at the end "you left them ALONE?, oh SH_T, maybe they had a panic attack' I mumbled, "I'll deal with you later, I have to check if MY SIBLING had a panic attack" I said glaring at George while I ran up the stairs to my room

I grabbed my Phone from my bedside table and quickly searched through my contacts until I found my sibling, I quickly called them but got no response, then I tried calling their roommate Niki.

-"Hello, Niki here?" I heard from the other line
-"Niki, is my sibling ok?" I asked worriedly.
-"Oh! Yea me and Minx calmed them down an hour ago, something about George making them cry, I'm not going to reveal to much until Y/N says I can." She says quietly.

I sighed in relief and quickly thanked her.

-"Hey can you thank Minx as well, I'm going to go ''have a talk'' with George, so bye!" I said inches away from the red button.
-"Wait!-" she said slightly panicked "Y/N said, they would sort it out themself." She said a little more calm.

I sighed softly and told Niki to tell Y/N I loved them and I promise not to hurt George, too badly. She chuckled softly.

-"There's already a line, first it's Minx and I, and when we're done you, let me tell you George won't have a pretty face when me and Minx are done with him." She said and I could feel the anger radiating off her.
-"Well~ I'll see you another day," I said "goodbye Niki"
-"Tschüs!" I heard through the phone before a small beep.

I walked down the stairs satisfied, then I saw George breathing heavily with Dream repeating, "Inhale~, Exhale~" practicing some breathing exercises.
To say I was pretty pissed was an understatement, why was George panicking when my little sibling was the one who got hurt, I sat on the couch until George came up to me

-"Hello George" I said, my voice icy cold.

Then he sighed,
-"I know your upset with me but-"
-"Upset?, I'm absolutely pissed, livid, I would be beating the living daylights out of you, if my way too nice sibling told me to, but fortunately for you, unfortunately for me, they told Minx, Nihachu and I to not hurt you," I said getting angrier by the second "but if you hurt them again, there's nothing stopping me" I said walking towards my room as I whispered the last part in his ear.

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