vii. reconnecting?

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A few hours later my phone beeped alerting me a text had reached my phone, I quickly opened it only to find out it was just my brother, and not the mysterious stranger I met in the morning or George.

Pandas 🐼
Or cupcakes
I'm just really hungry for
your cooking :/
Please don't let me starve
because of Georges terrible

I chuckled slightly while typing out a reply

Y/N 💛
I'll be there in an hour or 2
What flavor?

Once I saw the three bubbles apear I smirked

Y/N 💛
Well I'll just bake
some muesli bran

Pandas 🐼
Chocolate and penut butter
What, the, f*ck

I just chuckled and left him on read, then he started spamming my phone begging me to reconsider.
I looked around for a few moments and found the desserts cookbook. I gathered up the ingredients and started to bake.
    After half an hour, the chocolate cupcakes were already in the oven and were creating a heavenly smell, and I had just started on the peanut butter frosting. A few minutes later Niki came in, dipped her finger in the finished peanut butter frosting, tried it then dipped another finger in the frosting and bopped it on my nose after giggling.
    Soon 25 minutes had passed and I put the cupcakes on the counter to cool. After about 10 minutes they had finished cooling down and I started to decorate, I left 2 on the counter for Minx and Niki, and packaged the rest up. I quickly called an Uber as I felt more safe in them compared to a Taxi and told them the directions to the house. About 10 minutes had passed and I had reached the destination, I quickly texted Sapnap.

Sappy I'm here
Open the door

Since he hadn't read my message I just went ahead and rang the bell. To my surprise and his, George ended up answering the door. We said our awkward hello and he let me in.

-"NICK" I screamed out after a minute or two of waiting "NICOLAS, I WILL TAKE BACK ALL MY DELICIOUS CUPCAKES, IF YOU DO NOT COME DOWN HERE"

Less than a millisecond after I heard heavy and quick steps on the stairs. I looked up and saw Sapnap, his hair wet, a t-shirt put on backwards and a pair of pants that didn't match with the t-shirt at all.

-"I make cupcakes for you, your favorite cupcakes and you do not meet me at the door." I said aggressively "at least you could do was meet me at the door" I repeated a little more quietly once George left the room.

I quickly gave Nick the box of cupcakes and, after opening up the box and biting into one, gave me a hug.

-"Dreamy!" I called out.

I saw him poke his head out of a nearby hallway and grunt questioningly

-"Cupcakes?" I asked
-'Chocolate and peanut butter?'
-"Yep" I replied smiling

He quickly came up to me, took two and ran away.

-'FANK YOU' I heard him scream out, one of the cupcakes in his mouth muffling his voice.

"Pandas" I said seriously turning to him.
'Y-yes?' He said shivering slightly.
-"Can you take me home?" I asked cheerfully my voice changing entirely

I watched as him face shifted from being scared, to relieved and finally settled into a pout.

-'But you just got here' he said poutingly.
-"It's still awkward between me and George, we'll fix it another day, and I don't want to pay for an Uber
-'Fine' he said a little sad.
-"Anyways I have to met with Tubbo and maybe Techn-" I said, checking my phone before I was rudely interrupted.
-'Technoblade? Pink hair, yellow eyes? That Technoblade?' He asked
-"Yea? And I believe he has amber eyes, I met him this morning"
-'And he lets YOU call him Techno?' he asked in disbelief.
-"Yea, let's go" I said tugging his arm, my eyebrows scrunching slightly

Eventually we got into the car and Sapnap started asking about Technoblade again, a few minutes later we finally got there and Sapnap lended me a piece of advice.

-'Don't mention him to Dream or vice versa' he said 'well... I don't know about Dream to Technoblade he might not care, but their rivals
-"Sure Pandas" I said while walking towards the keypad "goodbye" I said while walking in, I heard a faint "bye" back then the sound of a car starting.

hazelyia You are an absolute queen/king/monarch/other thank you for being my first three votes!

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