xi. netflix and chill

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Once we left, we all started to giggle, the tension and awkwardness finally disappearing.

-"Boos?" I asked.

I looked at both of them as Niki's head turned to the right where I was walking and tilted her head slightly, while Minx looked at me, her blue eyes looking at me straight in the eyes before letting out a quiet "Hmm?"

-"Do you want to watch a Netflix show, and just chills?" I asked, soft of tired from the days event, looking to the left.
-'Sure' Minx said while Niki smiled softly before nodding.

As we walked home, we talked about what it would be like to live as royalty and after a few minutes of walking, what movie or series to watch.

-'What about Bambi?' Niki asked 'It's one of my favorite Disney movies!.. but it did make me cry a little' she said sheepishly scratching her head slightly.

I put up my two thumbs while Minx shrugged from next to me.

-"What snacks do you want to eat while watching it?" I asked "we can buy them on the way" I said smiling.
-'Popcorn and M&Ms?' Niki asked.
-'Gummy bears and Monster energy drinks' Minx said confidently.
-"Sure," I replied grinning.

After a few minutes of turning corners and crossing roads, Minx pointed at the destination... a convenience store. After spending about 10 minutes and 15$ we exited the store, in hand a bag full of goodies and soft drinks. We rushed to the dorms and once we got there it, the sun had just started to set. I put all the stuff of the table except for the popcorn which was being put in the microwave by Niki, while Minx was gathering spare blankets and pillows from one of the closets in the hall.
After a few minutes the popcorn was on the table and everyone was in the couch, a large blanket overtop all of us. I grabbed the remote and put on the 1 hour and 10 minute movie, as Niki hugged me.

When about 30 minutes had past, I heard a quiet snoring from beside me. When I looked over I saw Minx had fallen asleep, her head lying on my shoulder.

-"Hey Niki...?-" I said quietly turning to the side, "Oh.. your sleeping" I realized after I saw her eyes were closed. I gave them both a small peck on the top of their heads and continued to watch the movie.

When the movie finished, I slowly grabbed the remote trying not to disturb either one, as I put on Princess and the Frog. After a few minutes I felt my eyes get heavier and heavier as I fell asleep.

Thank you beeQueen847, TheMusicalFriends And Exileyy for being marvelous and voting!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2021 ⏰

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