viii. moodspreso

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I was sitting on the mini sofa, when a small fluffy brown creature with short legs came running up to me.

-"Hey Munchie" I said as I petted his head gently.

He quickly mewed and after a minute or two, he jumped out of my arms and went over to Niki who had just entered the room

-"Niki my Beloved!" I said, jumping up "would thy be interested in going to Moodspreso with me?" holding up my hand as I started speaking in an old British accent.
-'Of course! Thy greatness is rivaled by no other.' She said giggling grabbing my hand, as she copied my voice.
-'Am I of invite as well?' The taller of my roommates said with the same accent, as she entered the room.
-"Of course Madam Minx" I said chuckling slightly "Let us all go together!"

Then we heard a small but loud meow.

'I am sorry Sir Munchie, I am not sure if we can take you' I said a little sad.
-'Actually, Zuko has a bubble backpack and he's feeling a little tired today' Niki piped in after thinking for a few seconds.
-'Yeah Sylum and Cornelius are a staying with my family in Ireland' Minx said.
-"Sure" I said shrugging and went into Nikis room to search for it.

After a few minutes of looking around I found an adorable bubble backpack

-"Is this the one?" I asked Niki
-'Yep!' She replied after looking over.

I opened it up and waited for him to climb in while I went over to the kitchen for a glass, when I went back to the living room he was already inside it.

-"Good boy Munchie!" I said as I closed the backpack.

Minx called a taxi and we drove for 5 minutes, making comfortable small talk. When we got to the location, I payed for the taxi while Minx and Niki continued the conversation.

-'Cats are cuter.' Niki stated, not taking no for an answer.
-'F*ck no! Dogs are so much better!' Minx countered
-'What about Munchie, Sylum, Cornelius and Zuko!'
-'But... Koda' Minx said as she frowned slightly.

I walked over and giggled slightly,

-"Do we have to be arguing about this?" I asked "Or should we get some marvelous coffees and pastries!"
-'That's true... Let's go!' Niki cheered happily.

As we walked in I noticed a familiar man with pink hair working at the counter, an angry British child "helping" him and another familiar fluffy brown haired man wearing a yellow sweater taking orders.

We quickly sat down at a well lit booth in the corner and decided what we wanted, when the brown haired man previously mentioned came up to us.

-'What would you like to order today?' He asked politely as he smiled.
-'May I have a Caramel Macchiato and... the strawberry macaroons?' Niki asked.
-'A small strawberry tart and an Irish Coffee for me' Minx said.
-"Uhm... Could I have the Iced Coffee with the croissant?" I asked after a bit of thinking.
-'Of course!' He replied before walking away to help with another customer.

After a few seconds of quick silence I asked a question.

-"What came first... the chicken, or the egg" I asked "I reckon it was the egg"

Minx looked over at me like I had just grown a second head

-'The egg? Dumb F*ck it was the Chicken.' She said
-"Nope where would the chicken come from" I replied. "What do you think Niki?"
-'I'm not getting into this,' was all she said while starting to stand up 'I'm going to the bathroom, bye!' As she speed walked to the bathroom.

Special thanks to shu_is_gaming They're  awesome!
Thanks for being my fourth and fifth voter!

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