vi. stranger

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I woke up from a nightmare, my pijamas drenched in sweat as I tried to calm down. After a few minutes I took a quick shower, the smell of alcohol from the day before making me sick. After finishing my shower I rinsed my face and patting it dry.
I put on a clean towel and ran to my room, I quickly found some running gear and a pair of shoes, and quickly put them on, after I left my room I made a piece of French toast and left the house, the half eaten toast still in my mouth.

-"Its pretty cool today, the perfect temperature to go jogging" I said to myself
-"I agree" a deep voice said from behind me.

All I could think of, when I heard that voice was: dang, Ranboo's voice sounds like a copycat of this one-.

I quickly turned around and was met with a man who had long dark muten pink hair tied in a braid, golden amber eyes and a fluffy white puppy on a leash.
As I looked down, I quickly asked if I could pet his dog and once I got approval I played with the dog while still making conversation.

-"So what brings you on a walk at..." I asked checking my watch, after standing up "...four-thirty?"
-"I could ask you the same thing" he said smugly.
-"I would say, but I asked you first," I said grinning.
-"That's fair, I don't really sleep so I just took Floof here, on an hour walk" he replied shrugging "I actually live in building you just walked out of, actually-"
-"Oh, that's awesome, but... how come I've never seen you before?" I asked, my head tilting.
-"Well, number one, I don't really go out except when Floof needs to do their business, for Uni at night and for my job at the Moodspreso."
-"The 24 hour one?"
-"That's the one" he replied, "one second... should I even be telling you all this? You haven't even told me why your here at 4:30, well now it's 4:35, but never mind that, tell me." He said going back to the topic.
-"Well, I woke up from a nightmare, after having an extremely crap night, full of drama, an anxiety attack and losing one of my best friends." I said calmly.
-"Dang, that's harsh." He said, his eyes filled with sympathy 'well I got to go'
-"Wait this might seem a little strange, but can I have your number?"
-"Well I haven't got my phone with me, but it's +415 ### #### ## and for the name, it's Technoblade or Techno for short."
-"Awesome" I said "My names Y/N by the way" as I started to jog away.
-"Bye" I heard his monotone voice say before the small beep, indicating the dorm doors opening.

After a half hour filled with mixture of jogging and running I did a 180 and turned back. I quickly put in the code for the apartment and walked in, slightly sweaty.
I took a quick shower and changed into a red top, a grey pair of sweat pants and a long woolen cardigan.

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