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It had been 2 weeks since the Malfoys adopted you and you hadn't come out of the room they had given you since you got there. They would come to the door but you wouldn't answer nor eat anything they tried to give you, they have a son Draco but you haven't seen or met him yet since he's at this so called "special school".

"Y/n dear? You have to eat something" Narcissa whispers through the door.

"You took me away from Tom" You say in a cold tone.

"Sweety come on we couldn't adopt the both of you we only wanted 1 girl" she says.

"Leave me alone."

"Honey our son Draco comes home from school today we would like you to meet him he will be arriving here shortly.. feel free to come down and introduce yourself, he is quite eager to meet you".

*no answer*
*3 hours later*
You hear voices downstairs, to be honest you were trying to fight the urge to go down and see if it's that boy that Narcissa was talking about eventually your curiosity got the better of you and you walk down the stairs.

"Hey mum" a blonde boy says while narcissa pulls him in her arms.

This was obviously who they were talking about.


"Hello Draco" he says not matching Narcissa's excited energy, looking pretty uninterested by his sons presence.

Draco then turns around and sees you.

"Omg is this y/n?!" He says looking over to Narcissa who nods her head with a big grin on her face.

"No way!" He pulls you in for a big hug "I'm Draco, it's so great to meet you!" He excitedly shouts.

You smile a little, you actually liked Draco.

"This is the first time she has come out of her room in weeks dear" Narcissa says to Draco.

"What? Have you eaten anything??" Draco says with a worried expression.

You go to nod your head to not worry him anymore but Narcissa beat you to it.

"No, she hasn't.."

"Come on y/n you can sit next to me" he says putting his arm around you as he guided you to the dining room.

This is the first time u have felt safe in weeks.

*after dinner*

"Have you eaten enough?" Draco says.

"Yeah I'm full"

"Ok if your sure but if you feel hungry later come and knock on my door I will make you something to eat" he says.

You smile for the first time in a long long time.

Narcissa was just admiring you guys from the other end of the table whispering stuff to Lucius.

"he's already being a protective big brother"
"He got her to come out of her room"
"Aww he cares so much for her"
"Her own personal protector"
"We should move her room next to Draco's"
"We're a big happy family now"

"Alright Mum we're gonna go upstairs" says Draco with a grin on his face.

"Alright dear"

You still hadn't said a word to Lucius or Narcissa.

*later that night*

You woke up to Draco's concerned eyes staring at you.

"Are you ok?? You were screaming you must have been having a nightmare" he said.

Then it hit you, you did have a nightmare it was a memory.. your parents death.. you watched them both pass away tragically.

"Yeah it was just a nightmare .. Draco?"
"Thanks for caring"
"I will always care for you, goodnight Y/N sweet dreams"
"Goodnight Draco"
*he walked back to his room*

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