✨ The train ✨

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"So y/n what's it like being a Malfoy?" Tom asks.

"Very tiring Lucius Is a d*ck and Draco is way too over protective" you say looking at Draco.

Just then 2 people walk in and sit across from you guys "wow, and who are you? 😏"
The boy questions

"No! Blaise out of bounds! No go zone" Draco says glaring at him.

"Oh come on Draco! Why not?" Blaise says displeased. 

"She's my sister. Nobody will date my sister" Draco says sternly.

"Hey, I'm Pansy Parkinson Draco's best friend" she puts her hand out and you shake it.

"Y/n Malfoy. I've heard a lot about you well to be honest Draco never shuts up about you" as you said that Draco turned a deep shade of red.

"Omg no way I ship" you say looking back and forth at Pansy and Draco.

"No y/n pansy's just a friend.." Draco said still red as a tomato.

"Yeahhh suuuure" you say in a teasing tone.

Just then someone else walked in and when I say wow I mean wow. He looks way better up close this is Mattheo Riddle Toms brother I guess.

"Hey" Draco says to Mattheo.

"Hey" Mattheo replies as he sits down next to Blaise and Pansy.

At this moment you were hoping there would be room next to you for him to sit, but you can have awkward eye contact instead 😃

"And who's this?" Mattheo says looking at you.

"This is my sister" Draco says looking pretty proud.

"And how does Tom know her" Mattheo says looking up to Tom.

"We knew each other in the orphanage" Tom explains.

"Hmm cool so what house do you reckon you'll be put in y/n?" Mattheo questions.

"She will definitely be in Slytherin" Draco looks at you.

"I mean I reckon I will too but only time will tell" you say.

"Ok let's go through the basics before you get to Hogwarts, number 1 the golden trio are ass*oles especially Harry Potter try to stay away from them number 2 there is a party in the slytherin common room almost every night so if you end up in Slytherin don't whine about the music or your lack of sleep, and number 3 stay as far away as possible from Umbridge oh and all the Slytherin's sit at the back." Mattheo explains.

"Ok I can do that." You say making a mental note of it all.

"Come on y/n let's go and change into our robes" Pansy excitedly said, I don't think she has many girl friends since she's so excited..

"Ok coming" you grab your robes get changed then make your way back into the carriage.

"We're almost there, so y/n have you been homeschooled or just not going" Mattheo questions, visibly curious.

"Well I wasn't homeschooled Narcissa wouldn't let me come here because believe it or not she is more overprotective than Draco but I still learnt spells" you say looking out the window admiring the view.

"Do you know dark spells?" Mattheo says looking quite interested.

"Yeah I know a bit of dark spells but most of them I learnt in books" You reply.


"Looks like we're here" Draco says.

Mattheo grabs your suitcase down for you.

"Thanks" This is the first time you've noticed how tall he actually is. He literally towers over you!

As you're walking out of the door a boy bumps into you.

"Hey wtf" the boy said glaring at you.

"Oh f'ck off that was your fault." You say.

"Piss off Potter" Mattheo hisses.

"Ohhh so your scarhead ?" You say chuckling a little.

"So you know me then" Harry said proudly.

"Yeah I know that your a major d*ck that thinks he's special" you reply.

"I am special! I fought off Voldemort when I was a baby!" He says glaring at you.

"Oh come on you couldn't fight your way out of a wet paper bag!"

This was it for Harry, he grabbed out his wand.


You think to yourself
"Alarte Ascendare"
Harry goes flying up in the air and lands on his back.

"You know wandless magic?" Mattheo says shocked.

"Yes, so does Tom? is that uncommon?" You ask.

"it is extremely rare and hard to master, im impressed by your control." Mattheo compliments.

"Can you perform wandless magic?" You question.

"A little bit but no where near your skill" 

Harry groans on the floor in pain from his fall.

"let's go before a teacher comes" Mattheo chuckles looking at Harry.

You and Mattheo catch up to the group who went ahead. You all walk up to Hogwarts castle putting your luggage in the hallway.

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