The moving stairs

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*you all get to the great hall and sit at the end of the Slytherin table closest to the doors*

'Hey y/n.. I just want to say I'm sorry for going all overprotective brother on you earlier I just don't want you getting hurt and I most definitely don't want you to have a boyfriend' Draco says quiet enough for only you to be able to hear.

'Boyfriend? Draco, I'll say it again Tom and I are just friends we always have been and always will be. I don't know why you're so worried about me having guy friends but you need to be less overprotective. I understand where you're coming from but can you at least give Tom a chance.. please? For me?' You reply.

*there's a long pause as Draco thinks it over*

'Fine sis, I'll give him one chance at being your friend, for you..' Draco says with a sigh.

'Thanks dra-' before you could finish your sentence you were cut off by him.

'But. If he does anything that could even possibly hurt you, I will hurt him 100x worse.' Draco warns, this time saying it loud enough for Tom to hear from directly across the table.

Toms head jolts up looking very confused since he only heard the last bit of the small conversation.

'Hey, what did I do?' Tom says confused.

You laugh 'Nothing Tom, nothing at all. Is everyone ready to go?' Everybody nods their head 'Good, as soon as Dumbledore lets us go, run straight up to Pansy, Tom and I's dorm. Try to make it out the doors first, you don't want to get caught up in the moving stairs traffic' you say making sure everyone's aware of the plan.

'You all may make your way out of the great hall if you wish' Dumbledore says as everyone jumps up and rushes for the doors.

'Go, go, go!' You yell at all your friends as they jump up racing out the door along with the rest of the students.

As you run to the moving stairs you get separated from your friends by your peers. On your way up you get squished against the railing by others rushing up the stairs towards their dorm rooms. Out of nowhere arms wrap around your waist and you're lifted up. The person lifting you walks you up the stairs and all the way to your dorm room. When they put you down you took a breath in relieved about not dying on the staircase. When you turn around you see Tom with a smile on his face.

'See being tiny has its advantages but that didn't really seem like one of them' Tom taunts you, knowing him calling you small annoys you.

'Hey! Me being small has nothing to do with it! I was just in a bad place at a bad time' you reply defensively.

'So you admit you're small' Tom says with a smirk.

'I- uhh- no! That's not what I meant!' You yell glaring at him.

'Popcorn anyone?' Someone says.

When you turn around everyone's sitting on the beds listening eagerly somehow being amused by this little quarrel. And Blaise is eating popcorn? How the heck did Blaise find popcorn?!

'You guys would be so cute together' pansy says laughing.

Mattheo rolls his eyes looking both annoyed and like he wanted to throw up.

'Pansy, shush' you yell.

She laughs loving the fact that she stirred up trouble.

'Well anyways.. who wants to watch outer banks season 2?!' You yell excitedly.

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