Annoying boys

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All 3 of you got back to the common room where Pansy, Blaise, Draco and Mattheo are sitting around the fireplace chatting away, too interested in the conversation to even notice Tom and you got back.

But after a few seconds Blaise sees you guys out of the corner of his eye and jumps out of his chair eagerly running towards you.

'Tell me everything! Every single detail! What happened?!' Blaise yells and grabs your hand to see how many sentences Umbridge made you write with the special quill.

'There's no writing! Did you guys ditch detention?! Oh my god, guys you're just gonna get in worse trouble for ditching now! Umbridge will make you write extra lines!' Blaise quickly blurted out stressing about his 2 friends well beings.

'Blaise, chill we didn't ditch, y/n got us out of it by scaring the shit out of Umbridge' Tom says with a big smile happily reliving the memory of you threatening her and using wandless magic to snap her special quills.

'No way! Where were you last week when I had to write 2 lines for apparently looking at Umbridge the wrong way' Blaise says holding up his hand showing almost healed messy hand writing engraved into his skin.

'Sorry, I guess, but I'm here now so if you've ever got a detention with her again, let me know I'll get you out of it' you say, then remember Ella's still standing near the doorway with Tom.

'Oh guys by the way this is Ella, I ran into her while on a very important mission, which on said mission we acquired the new staff Wi-Fi password' you say smiling while holding up the piece of paper you stole from Dumbledore's office.

'Hey Ella' everyone says.

Ella introduces herself to everyone and then Blaise asks for more details on what happened in Umbridge's office after a while of Tom hopelessly trying to explain what had happened Blaise somehow ended up convincing us to act out the scene. And he made it very clear we weren't allowed to skip a single detail. So that was everyone's entertainment for an hour, we were all supposed to go to our next class but made a wise group decision to skip class for the very reasonable excuse of having fun.

(I'm sure professor snape isn't going to find it as reasonable as we do but who cares? it's not our fault he doesn't know the meaning of fun and is a grumpy old man who's 2 goals in life were to a) get lily and we all know how big of a success that was 😐 and b) keep dying his hair black, making sure nobody knows he went grey 100 years ago)

'Guys, it's 6:00!' Pansy says checking the time.

'It's dinner time already? Jeez!' Blaise says.

Tom stands up and walks over to where you're sitting with your legs crossed and holds out both of his hands to pull you up. You smile and grab his hands. Once you were standing you saw Draco death staring Tom.

'Draco what's up with you?' You ask weirded out by Draco's reaction to Tom helping you up.

'No helping my sister up, if she needed help she could have asked me, you obviously only helped her up so you could hold her hands' Draco says rolling his eyes.

'Huh?' Tom says even more confused than you are.

'Draco, stop being so overprotective of me. Tom and I have been friends since I was 8 years old! We grew up in that orphanage together, I trust Tom and you should too, he's a good guy and wouldn't do anything to hurt me, I'm sure of it' you say trying to assure Draco that he has nothing to worry about. Tom slightly flinched a bit at the word orphanage which was very unusual.

'Yeah yeah, sure y/n, believe what you want to believe, but he has hidden intentions. He likes you I can see it in his eyes, so he shouldn't be allowed to hang around you' Draco states.

Who does he think he is?! I mean I guess I can see where he is coming from he's just being an overprotective concerned brother but still! I should be able to make my own decisions and him thinking he can pick and choose who I can and can't hang out with is crossing a line.

'Draco, you're being silly. I can hang out with who I want where I want whenever I want, I don't need your opinion or your permission. I will keep hanging out with Tom because that is what I feel like doing. End of conversation now are we going to dinner or not because I am bloody starving, and I don't want to be too late.' you say turning around to everyone else making sure they're ready to go to the great hall.

'Alright come on Ella and Pansy we will walk together I want to have some time away from all the testosterone, boys are cool to have as friends but after a while get exhausting, I need a break.' You say loud enough for the boys to hear.

'Hey! What did we do?!' They all said simultaneously.

'You're all just being really annoying' you say walking out the door.

The boys give each other an annoyed look as if they were pinning the blame on each other. They all walked out the door following you and the girls to the great hall.

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