✨The sorting hat✨

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All of you are walking up the stairs to the great hall.

"Y/n wait up!" Pansy yells running towards you "sooooo who do you likeeee, I saw something with you and Mattheo on the train but you and Tom, damnnn you and Tom had some serious chemistry going on, girl you got both the Riddle brothers wrapped around your finger. "

"Me and Tom won't happen" You chuckle "We're just really close but mattheo? I-"

"What are you guys talking about?" Mattheo says moving to the left side of you with pansy on the right.

"Oh uh nothing.." you say quickly.

"Mhm sure" he says with a smirk while walking back over to the guys.

"Y/n this is the best part of the day we're known as Slytherin royalty everyone's scared of us so when we walk through those doors everyone will be staring" Pansy explains while eagerly walking towards the great hall doors.


"Yeah, so we will all walk in together then you have to walk up to the front while we go and sit down" Pansy says,

"Alright then, I'll be sitting next to you soon" you say confidently.

"So you're sure you will be put in Slytherin then" Mattheo yells to you still walking with the guys.

"Yep 100% sure"

"We'll see about that" he replies grabbing out his wand which then opened the doors for the epic entrance,

Everyone whipped around eager to see who it was expressions changing once they saw all of you.

"See you soon then y/n" Mattheo smirks as they all walk to the table on the left side of the hall.

"Y/N MALFOY!" Dumbledore says "please take a seat" you walk to the chair Infront of Dumbledore "y/n will be sent straight to 5th year" Dumbledore included as he put the dusty old hat on top of your head "ahh not a Malfoy biologically.. interesting I know exactly where to put you.. SLYTHERIN!"

Everyone at the Slytherin table clapped and cheered as you walk over to the table sitting in between Pansy and Mattheo with Blaise, Draco and Tom sitting across from you.

"I was right" you boast. 

"Yeah yeah welcome to the crew y/n" Mattheo says rolling his eyes while grinning.

"So is there gonna be any food or.." you question, eyeing the empty dining table.

"Ooh you just wait" pansy says.

"This is gonna be good" Tom says.

"Your attention please" an old lady says with green robes on.

The headmaster stands up and raises his hands "let the feast.. begin"

As he said that food appeared out of no where it was magnificent!

"Holy sh**" you say In shock "imma need to learn that spell" you say and everyone laughs.

"Hey, 10:00" Pansy says looking towards the Gryffindor table you follow where she was looking and see Potter staring at you with an ugly look on his face.

"What the hell is Potters problem" Malfoy says glaring at him.

"Miss Malfoy here sent him flying into the sky taking a nasty landing on his back" Mattheo says failing his attempt to keep a straight face.

"Why the fvck did I not see this?!" Draco yells.

"Like brother like sister" Blaise says laughing.

"She's got a mouth on her too, you guys shoulda seen it, it was epic" Mattheo says.

"Potter just isn't taking the hint huh he's still staring" you say glaring back at him.

"Why don't we pay potter a little visit" Mattheo says getting up from the table.

"Yeah let's go" Tom and Draco both say, you all get up and walk towards their table.

"Hey scarhead how's it going?" You ask rhetorically. 

"Plss off" he says angrily.

"You alright Harry?, your back seems like it hurts" Pansy says laughing.

"Why don't you Slytherins go back to your table and leave us alone?" A red headed girl says that was sitting across from Harry.

"We're not annoying you guys are we? We just wanted to come here and introduce you guys to y/n" Tom says gesturing towards you with his hand.

"Nice to meet you y/n" a little red haired boy says.

"Ron!" Hermione and Harry yell.

"Oh sorry" Ron says cluelessly.

"Well I hope your little staring problem is now fixed potter as for you I presume your granger it wasn't a pleasure to meet you"

"Just leave" Hermione says.

"Bye Ronny" you say as everyone turns around to go back to the Slytherin table.

"Bye!" Ron says waving.

"RON!" Granger and potter yell again. Hermione punches him in the arm softly. 

"Oops.." Ron replies with 2 legs of chicken in his hands.

"I think that went well" you say as you all laugh.

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