Overprotective Brother

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Tom's presence was so comforting that you drifted off to sleep almost immediately, feeling more relaxed than ever tucked under the covers tightly with his arms around you. You fell asleep feeling the outline of his abs against your back.

*The morning*

You feel eyes staring at you so you open your eyes a little bit wincing at the brightness of the sun rays coming through the window. When your eyes adjust to the light you see Draco right in front of you with his arms crossed, wearing a very disapproving look on his face.

'What crawled up your ass and died this morning?' you question while rubbing your eyes and yawning.

Draco's eyes look at something behind you and you turn to see Tom still fast asleep next to you with his arm around your waist. Oh shit this isn't going to go down well.

'What do you think you're doing in his bed y/n?' Draco questions in an angry tone.

'I was cold last night calm down Draco you're not the boss of me I can sleep wherever I want to sleep' You reply sternly. Draco's irrational overprotectiveness is really starting to get on your nerves. 'You literally ended up sleeping in Pansy's bed last night but I'm not allowed to?'

'She's right Draco, You're being a bit of a hypocrite' Pansy adds in.

'I guess, I just care, that's all' Draco replies.

'Could you care but also trust me to make decisions for myself? I deserve at least that.' You reply.

'I do trust you Y/n, you're right, i'm being unreasonable. I'll try to ease off a bit.' Draco says smiling at you.

'Me and Pansy are going to head to the great hall for breakfast you can wake Tom up.' Draco says as they both walk out the door. You look around and notice that everybody else has left but you and Tom.

'Did it look real?' You hear Tom say with his eyes still closed but a little smile slowly appearing on his face.

'Did what look real?' You question confused.

'Me being asleep, I was faking it. Do you have any idea what Draco would have done to me if he knew I was awake? He'd skin me alive! Thank god you talked him out of being mad' Tom says laughing.

'If you were awake that entire time then why didn't you move your hand off my waist before he saw. You could have saved me a massive headache.' You reply glaring at him.

'I didn't feel like it, it's comfortable.' He replies yawning.

You go to get up but he pulls you back down onto the bed with the arm he still had wrapped around your waist.

'Tom what are you doing? We have to go to the great hall for breakfast, everyone's already there.'

'But this is so comfortableee.' He complains putting his head on your chest and closing his eyes trying to fall asleep again. 'I never want to let you go again' he says. You detect a bit of pain in his words.

'What do you mean?' You question curiously.

'At the orphanage, when you ran into my arms that day you got adopted was one of the worst days of my life, it hurt to let you go, to fake a smile. I didn't go a day without thinking about you.'

'Oh Tom it all worked out though right? We found each other again after all these years and we both got adopted by loving families' You say running your fingers through his soft hair.

'Yeah.. loving families' he replies.

'How about we skip our classes for today and just hang out here?' you ask 'We can watch movies, cuddle and talk about life'

'That would be great' he replies hugging you tighter.

You grab the remote from his bedside table and open up Netflix.

'What do you want to watch?' You question.

'The Hunger Games? I know that was your favourite movie series as a kid.' He replies.

'Still is to this day, it was the only DVD's we had at the orphanage' You reply.

'Not true, we also had the David Attenborough-Antarctica documentaries'

' You know they don't count as movies' You say as you put on The Hunger Games.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2023 ⏰

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